Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (2024)


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Check out one of the best Mages DPS builds in WoW based on the Frost specialization

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Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (2)

Spec Overview

Frost Mages specialize themselves in freezing their targets and then shattering them with a deadly barrage of Ice Magic. They are able to deal high amounts of Single-Target and Cleave Damage and are ideal for taking down priority Targets because of that. Thanks to their unmatched Crowd Control abilities,Frost's excel at fulfilling the encounter-specific tasksand kiting. They also possess enviable mobility toolkit which lets them relocate and escape mechanics easily; they also do not lose much DPS in high-mobility situations.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (3)ProsFrost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (4)Cons
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (5)Highly MobileFrost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (6)Weak AoE Damage
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (7)Excellent Crowd Control abilitiesFrost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (8)Loses Damage output quickly when Bursting down High Health Targets
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (9)Solid Single-Target and Cleave Damage
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (10)Great at killing low-health priority Targets
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (11)Very strong Utility toolkit

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (12)Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (13)
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Statistics Priority

  1. Intellect - This is Frost Mage's primary statistic. Itprovides you with Spell Power and increases Damage done by your spells and abilities.
  1. Critical Strike -Increases your chance to deal Double (critical) Damage with spells and abilities. Be aware that there is a 33.33% Critical Strike Cap for spells that benefit from Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (14)Shatter, and increasing your Crit over this number is not very effective.
  1. Haste -Decreases your Global Cooldowns, and increases the speed of your Casts. This stat greatly improves the effectiveness of your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (15)Frostbolt ability, because it lets you cast more of them in a shorter time which translates to more potential procs per minute. Haste also affects the Casting Speed of your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (16)Mirror Images and Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (17)Water Elemental and decreases the Cooldown of your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (18)Blizzard Ability.
  1. Versatility -Straight up Incoming Damage Decrease and Damage Done Increase.
  1. Mastery - Frost Mage's Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (19)Mastery: Iciclesmakes your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (20)Frostbolt and Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (21)Flurry abilities generate 1 Icicle per cast. Any Icicles stored are launched at your Target when you cast the Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (22)Ice Lanceability or added to your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (23)Glacial Spike ability in a form of Damage Bonus. You can have up to 5 Icicles stored, and any excess ones will be launched at your current Target immediately. Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (24)Mastery: Icicles also increases the Damage Done by your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (25)Frozen Orb ability.

The Best Talent Choices

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (26)
Level 15:
Recommended choice - Bone Chilling
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (27)Bone Chilling -Whenever you cast a Spell that Chills your Target, you gain the Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (28)Bone Chilling effect, which increases your Damage Done by 0.5% for 8s; this effect stacks up to 10 times. You will naturally stack this up to maximum and maintain it without any problems, so it is basically a flat 5% Damage Done increase. This is great for both Single-Target and AoE Damage and is a bit above the Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (29)Lonely Winter in terms of the overall output.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (30)Lonely Winter takes away your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (31)Summon Water Elemental Ability but increases your Damage Done with Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (32)Flurry, Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (33)Ice Lance, and Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (34)Frostbolt by 25% in return. This Talent is perfectly suited for use, but it has some minor problems, the main of them being the loss of the Water Elly's Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (35)Freeze ability, which lowers both AoE Damage and AoE CC potential slightly.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (36)Ice Nova is an AoE ability which deals High Damage to your primary Target and Moderate Damage to all other Targets within the 8yd radius, and freezes them in place for 2 seconds; it has a 25-second Cooldown. It provides you with the least benefits, and should not be considered.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (37)
Level 30:
Recommended choice - Shimmer
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (38)Shimmer -It is a great upgrade over theFrost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (39)Blink ability;Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (40) Shimmer has 1 more charge, can be cast off the global cooldown, and does not interrupt your spellcasting, but it has 5s more cooldown (the 20s instead of 15s) and does not break stuns. This Talent will improve your mobility greatly and will allow you to dodge Raid mechanics quickly, without losing DPS.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (41)Glacial Insulation causes your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (42)Ice Barrier to increase your Armor by 200%, and your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (43)Ice Block to apply an Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (44)Ice Barrier on you when it fades. The main problem of this Talent is the fact that it lowers Physical Damage, and the majority of Damage that you take during Boss Encounters is Magical, which makes it pretty much Useless in PvE.

The Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (45)Ice Floes makes your next Spell with a cast-time shorter than 10 seconds to be castable while moving; it has 3 charges and 20 seconds recharge time. This is a good alternative, which enables short-range movement without losing Damage output at the cost of the long-range mobility provided by Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (46)Shimmer, and the choice between these two Talents largely depends on preference.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (47)
Level 45:
Recommended choice - Incanter's Flow
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (48)Incanter's Flow - Gives you a sustained damage bonus that starts at 4%, builds up to 20% over 10s, and then resets back to 4% just to start building up again. This is the best Talent in this row because it offers a stable Damage increase, doesn't restrain your mobility, and does not have the cooldown-alignment problems that the Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (49)Rune of Power and theFrost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (50)Mirror Image have.

The Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (51)Rune of Power isanActive Ability that lets you place saidFrost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (52)Rune of Power on the ground which increases your spell damage done by 40% for 10s if you stay within 8yd from it; has two charges and 40s recharge timer. Frost Mage doesn't have powerful Burst that would let him fully capitalize on the Damage Boost offered by the Rune, and the Cooldowns that he has do not line up too well with theFrost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (53)Rune of Power'sCooldown.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (54)Mirror Imagesummons 3 copies of you, which cast spells at your Target and gain Enemy's attention; Copies last for 40 seconds. This, while "classic" gives the worst overall damage boost, and should not be picked.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (55)
Level 60:
Recommended choice - Ebonbolt
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (56)Ebonbolt -Ranged spell that deals High Frost Damage, and grants you the Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (57)Brain Freeze(your next Flurry does 50% more Damage, has 100% reduced Cast time and applies the Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (58)Winter's Chill to your Target) effect; it has 45 seconds Cooldown. This Talent provides high Damage increase and theFrost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (59)Brain Freezeeffect on demand is generally very beneficial.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (60)Frozen Touch increases the proc chance of your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (61)Brain Freeze and Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (62)Fingers of Frost from your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (63)Frostbolt by 20%. This is also a solid choice, as it offers Damage Boost similar to the Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (64)Ebonbolt, but with slightly less added utility.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (65)Chain Reaction makes your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (66)Ice Lances, used against Frozen Targets, increase the Damage of your next Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (67)Ice Lance by 3% for 10s; this effect stacks up to 5 times. It is a poor choice for Single-Target, provides a slight boost to Cleave Damage, and should not be considered.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (68)
Level 75:
Recommended choice - Frigid Winds
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (69)Frigid Winds - Your Chilling Effects now reduce Target's movement speed by an additional 15%. Selecting this Talent will help you Control engaged Targets slightly better; it also makes your the Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (70)Cone of Cold slow Enemies by 85%.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (71)Ice Ward grants a second charge to your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (72)Frost Nova ability.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (73)Ring of Frost lets you summon a Ring on the target location; up to 10 enemies entering the Ring will be incapacitated for 10 seconds.

All three of these Talents are rather underwhelming when it comes to Raid utility, and the choice is up to the Player (and doesn't matter much, really).

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (74)
Level 90:
Recommended choice - Comet Storm
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (75)Comet Storm -You call down 7 Icy Comets on top and around your primary Target, each Comet deals High Frost Damage to all enemies within 6yd of impact; it has a 30-second Cooldown. This is the best choice for Single Target Damage, which also offers some nice AoE Burst every 30 seconds.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (76)Freezing Rain makes your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (77)Frozen Orb casts improve your next Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (78)Blizzard used within 12s by making it instant cast and increasing its Damage by 50%. This is the best choice for AoE heavy encountersand should be swapped with the Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (79)Comet Storm when needed.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (80)Splitting Ice causes yourFrost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (81)Icicles, Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (82)Ebonbolts, Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (83)Ice Lances, and Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (84)Glacial Spikesto hit an additional nearby Enemy for 80% of the base Damage. This talent provides the highest Cleave Damage boost and should be chosen for encounters with twohigh Health Targets that are close to each other.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (85)
Level 100:
Recommended choice - Glacial Spike
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (86)Glacial Spike - an active ability that creates a Spike of Ice which merges with your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (87)Icicles in order to Deal Very High Frost Damage, further increased by the Damage stored in Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (88)Icicles, to your Target, and freezes it in place for 4 seconds; it requires 5 Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (89)Icicles to use, and stops your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (90)Ice Lance from launching Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (91)Icicles when you reach maximum stacks. This is the best option for Single Target DPS, it forces a rotation change, however.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (92)Thermal Void increases the duration of your Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (93)Icy Veins by 10 seconds and by an additional 1 second every time you use an Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (94)Ice Lance against a Frozen Target. This Talent falls slightly behind the Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (95)Glacial Spike when it comes to Damage output, but has the benefit of being passive, which simplifies the rotation.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (96)Ray of Frost is a channeled ability that inflicts Frost Damage, slows the Target, and generates 2 Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (97)Fingers of Frost. It lasts 5 seconds, and deals Damage every second; each Damage tick increases its Damage Done and Slow effect by 10%. This is a simple choice, but it can't compete with the other two options in terms of Damage.

The Basic Rotation

At its base, Frost Mage's rotation revolves around spamming Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (98)Frostbolt in order to get a proc of Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (99)Fingers of Frost or Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (100)Brain Freeze.Gained proc determines the next step of your rotation: Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (101)Brain Freeze is followed by theFrost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (102)Glacial Spike or theFrost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (103)Frostbolt going into Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (104)Flurry which in turn is followed by theFrost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (105)Ice Lance.The Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (106)Fingers of Frost should be utilized by casting an Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (107)Ice Lance immediately.

Use the following priority list to maximize your Single Target Damage output:
  1. Icy Veinson Cooldown
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (108)
  1. Flurrywith Brain Freezeand < 3 Icicles stacked, followed by theIce Lance
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (109)+ (< 3Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (110))⇒Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (111)Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (112)
  1. Ice Lance with Fingers of Frost
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (113)Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (114)
  1. Ebonbolt on Cooldown (it should be Shattered if Cast at < 4 Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (115)Icicles)
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (116)
  1. Frozen Orb
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (117)
  1. Comet Storm
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (118)
  1. Glacial Spike with Brain Freeze active
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (119)Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (120)
  1. Frostboltfor proc generation
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (121)
Use the following priority list to maximize your AoE Damage output:
  1. Frozen Orbon Cooldown
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (122)
  1. Comet Stormon Cooldown
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (123)
  1. Blizzardon Cooldown
Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (124)
  1. Use the Single-Target rotation to avoid downtime when your AoE spells are on Cooldown

Tips and Tricks for Improving your Gameplay

  1. Master the Shatter Combo! (Cast Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (125)Brain Freeze-empowered instantFrost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (126)Flurry immediately at the end of theFrost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (127)Glacial Spike or Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (128)Frostbolt cast and follow it quickly with the Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (129)Ice Lance. All these spells will benefit from the Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (130)Winter's Chill effect if you are quick enough).
  1. Avoid Downtime to maximize your Damage output. Remember to use your Instant Cast spells when relocating, and take advantage of the fact that Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (131) Shimmer does not interrupt your spellcasting.
  1. Always analyze and try to improve upon your mistakes, because practice makes perfect.

Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (132)Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (133)
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This is an early version of our guide,we plan to upgrade upon it, and add further sections. So please leave your suggestions in the comments section below. We would also like to state that this is meant as a pocket guide and therefore we will not go into too much detail (however, if we are missing some information that is important to you, please let us know, and we will gladly add it).

Pictures used in this article are theintellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment Inc.

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Frost Mage PvE/Raids DPS build [BFA 8.2] (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.