The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

4 4 4 4 1 6 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER, MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1902. RISKED LIVES TO STOP RUNAWAY. Bravery of Two Men Frevented Accident and Perhaps Death. Four Young People Were Helpless Behind Frightened Steeds. The quickness of thought and the bravery of two men saved four persons last evening from serious injury and perhaps death.

Dr. II. R. Brownlee of No. 160 Crawford road was one of the heroes.

The other's name is unknown. At the risk of their lives they stopped a runaway team of horses going at furious speed and dragging a two-seated carriage in which sat two young men and two girls. The four young people Were driving through the parks and boulevards in a conveyance hired from a liveryman, Two borses were attached to the vehicle, one 8 bay and the other a powerful gray. Both animals were restive and full of life. A About 6:20 o'clock the team was being driven on Crawford road towards Euclid avenue.

Near Hough avenue there is a watering trough, and the horses were stopped so that they could a drink. they had finished they started off briskly, driver and drew showed them signs back of restiveness. and sharply, the sudden checking caused the neck vole to break. As a result of this accident the carriage came annoyingly close to the horses' heels. The animals, already under high nervous strain, took sudden fright, and like a flash were off down the street.

The screams of the two young women edded to the terror of the horses. The carriage was every moment in danger of being overturned or dashed into a tree. The girls were making preparations to leap from the vehicle, which would probably have resulted disastrously and the two young men were endeavoring to get control of the animals but without success. 'As if providentially, just at that point Dr. Brownlee opened his front door and stepped out onto his porch.

His attention attracted by the shrill cries of the occupants of the carriage and he took in situation at a glance. He dashed out into the middle of the street and prepared to intercept the runaway. At the same instant a young man employed in a livery stable near by took in the situation from the other side of the street. He also dashed into the street. same moment the two "The two ran alongside the terrifled horses until they had quieted them somewhat and were able to check their speed.

In a moment or two they had the horses at walk and finally at a dead stop. One of the horses was slightly injured. They were both unhitched and the owner was summoned by telephone. The pleasure party foun1 its way home by the more prosaic street car. Dr.

Brownlee said last night he did not know the name of then brave young man who had assisted him stopping the runaway. Neither could the identities of four occupants who had such a narrow escape be learned. Lake Marine News. A Merger for Inio Lines. SPECIAL TO THE PLAIN DEALER.

president of the White line and the A Lake DULUTH, Oct. W. I. Singer, Michigan and Lake Superior Transportation companies, Is quietly at work to bring about A merger of the freight And DASsenger lines of the great lakes and eastern capital authorizes the move. Capt.

Singer 1g very recent on the subject, but that be ds working to accomplish the merger and that the end of the deal 17 eured are known facts. The work of fecting a complete merger is beset with difficulties on account of some of the boat lines being really parts of rallroads. The Northern Steamship for example, 19 a part of the Great Northern road. Mr. Singer bas two plans, one for a complete merger and the other for A combine of Lake Michigan and Lake Superior lines.

It is proposed to organize A ateamship company to huy and pay cash for the various lines and operate. them from a general headquarters through local offices. The merger almg to maintain tariffs. not to Increase them. To Relieve Steamer Owen.

SPRCIAL TO THE PLAIN DEALER. KINGSTON, Oct. wrecking expedition was today dispatched to the 1e- lef of the steamer Owen, which stranded last night on Snake Island, nine miles from here. The Owen has a full carzo of barley from upper lake ports, consigned to Richardson Sons, grain forwarders at this port. The steamer is not Insured and 13 commanded by Capt.

Simmons. Steamer Hesper Aground. SPECIAL TO THE PLAIN DEALER. PORT HURON, Oct. 12.

-The steamer Hesper. bound, ran hard aground on the Canadian side of Stag Island today. Tugs were sent to her assistance but up to 1 late hour tonight she had not been released. Oleveland Port List, Arrived -Oct. 12.

Stmr Newaygo, Georgian Bay, lumber. Stmr Minneapolis, Buffalo, mdse. Stmr City of Detroit, Detroit, pass, mdse. Stmr State of Ohio. Toledo, pass, indse.

Stmr City of Erie, Buffalo, pass, muse. Cadillac, Buffalo, mdse. Stmr Joliet, Stmr Andaste, Stmr A. A. Parker, Ashland, ore.

Schr Isabella Checotab, Georgian Bay, lumber. Boyce, Kellys Island, stone. Cleared -Oct. 12. Stmr City City of Detroit, Detroit, pass, mdse.

of Brie, Buffalo, pass, indse. Stmr State of Olio, Toledo, pass, muse. Stmr Melbourne, Montreal. mdse. Stmr Castle Rhodes, Windsor, light.

Stmr Oliver M. Perry, Put-lu Bay, light. Atmr Barge A. Y. Gowan.

Kellys Island, light. Mikado, Buffalo, supplies. Lake Erie. SPECIAL TO THE PLAIN DEALER. TOLEDO, Oct.

Sachem. PARTED: Polynesia, Goodyear. Yukon, Badger. -DELight-Glidden, Sandusky. Lake Superior.

TWO HARBORS, Oct. Poe, Admiral, Smith, Winkinson. Smeaton. CLEARED: Elwood, Lake Erie; Livingstone, Lake Michigan. DULUTH.

Oct. T'ranus, Portage, Neshoto. Paris, Mohawk, Mack. Santa Maria, Uganda, Me Turner and consorts, Heffelfinger, Colonel, ('herokoc, Chippewa, Jenks, Lake Erie. ore: Maytham, New Gilchrist, sorts, Mohegan.

grain: Madden and conNeptune, Buffalo. Mingoe. Bradley and confalo, sorts, Lake Eric, lumber: Rochester, Bufflour. MARQUETTE. Oct.

Sporion. Ashtabula. I'resque Isle, CoutuLake Michigan. Grummond, FRANKFORT. Oct.

12-ARRIVED: man. SonMaxwell, Kobroy. Oct. 12. -SHELTERED: Ter.

MILWAUKEE, Oct. Denmanic. S. Oct. ARRIVED: GorCHICAGO, Grain: T.

W. M. Steubenson. CLEARED: Palmer, Collingwood. P'assages.

SPECIAL TO THE PLAIN RANT TAWAS. Out. 12. and tow. SUELTERED: Saginaw and Donaldson and tow.

Pauly tow. PORT COLBORNE. Oct. AverFrost, Tec*mseh, Farwell. Mitchell.

MACKINAW 9 last CITY. nigbt: Oct. Alfred Tinga, Outhwere and cousort. 12:30 this morning: Clar- NDERSON-Mary, beloved wife of E. I.

Anderson, Sunday, Oct. 12, at 8:30 p. m. at residence, 24 Southern av. Funeral from residence Tuesday.

Oct. 11, at 2 D. m. standard. Friends invited.

13 the beloved daughtor of Rose Carlisle, at residence, No. 118 Weddle street, at 7:30 A. Sunday, aged 18 Years months. Funeral from St. P'atrick's church Wednesday morning, at 8:30 o'clock, standand.

Friends invited. 14 FISHER -Sarah wife of F. W. Fisher. died Sunday, Oct.

12, at 3 D. 111., nt her home, The Belgrave. Funeral from Wade Park Avenue M. K. church Tuesday, Oct.

14, at 2 D. m. Burial at Lake View cemetery. Friends invited. Erie county Ft.

Wayne (Ind.) BIll Kansas City (Mo.) papers please copy. 11 FOOT--Agues Burton, In New York, Oct. Notice of funeral hereafter. 13 GREEN--Jane widow of late Eli C. Green, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs.

J. T. Logue, 354 K. Prospect Saturdav. Oct.

11, aged 66 years. Funeral Tuesday, Oct. 14, at 2 o'clock, frontal at P'resbyterian Clayville, N. church, Y. Saquoit, N.

13 Y. suddenly, aged 73 years and 9 montha, Friday, Oct. 10, at 5 p. at his residence, 434 Kennaid st. F'uneral Monday, Oct.

13, at 2, sun time. 13 JONES--Anna, aged 35, Saturday, Oct. 11. Funeral from the home of her brother, 43 Luther Tuesday, Oct. 14, at 9 o'clock.

13 died 5:16 1. u1. Satur. dav, Oct. 11.

at his residence, 573 St. Clair street. Notice of funeral bereafter. 13 KING-Theabole, Sunday morning. Oct.

12. Funeral Tuesday. Oct. 14, the home of his daughter, Mrs. Zerbsky, on Illand road, Euclid Heights.

Friends 13 of Portland, Oct. 6, of paralysis, aged 59 years, formerly of Cleveland, Ohio. 13 CLEVELAND CREMATION CO. Tel. Bell Glen.

220; Crest 480. Cremation and use of chapel $30.00. BUSINESS OPP'ORTUNITIES. Ten cents per line each WANTED grindstone -A partner and quarry with $20,000 business, to Invest ries opened up and working now; money needed to develop business further; business will clear from $15.000 to $20.000 yearly. Investigate at once.

Box Station Cleveland. 0. 18 WANTED reliable with $5.000.00. to by take au incorporated. company.

charge of company's business in Cleveland: must give entire time: investment safe: if vol grant this. business Address and box mean 57-X. business, Plain investi- Dealer. 14 WANTED--Good. reliable man.

who can invest $500.00 with services, paying $60.00 per month. to go to Texas with general manager of the company: must he reliable and one who can manage men. Address box 24-X. Plain Dealer. 14 WANTED-Up-to-date.

bright man of bustness ability as assistant manager of a corporation for some of their southern interests: Investment required, $1,000.00: 110 risk. Address bor 100-X. Plain Dealer. 14 FOR SALE--Dry goods store; new stock and Axtures; good location; cheap for cash; good reasons for selling. Box 123-Y.

Plain Dealer. 14 FOR particulars of A gilt edge Investment now paying 1 per cent. a month, address "Investment," S12 The Spitzer, Toledo, Ohio. 18 NEW company just organized wants thorough business to interest capital: inrestigation desired. Box 13-Y, Plain in Dealer.

ONE-IALF Interest In real estate and insurance office: will pay to investigate this. Box 03-Z, Plain Dealer. 13 FOR SALE Confectionery and stationery store; old stand; 17 years. 985 Lorain. 13 BARGAINS In stocks.

J. F. Kader Garfield bide. Cuy. M.

1120. FOR SALE-Steam laundry. doing a good business. Box 61-7, Plain Dealer, 14 WANTED-P'artner In down town drug store; rare chance. Box 69-7, Plain Dealer.

13 LOST AND FOUND. Ten cents per line each insertion. IN vicinity of Wade park and Euclid ar. or college grounds brown spaniel. answers to name of "Curly;" bag very light spot on chest and curly hair: reward.

212 Marcy or phone Doan 841 L. 13 HIGHEST cash price for old gold and allver. J. B. Helman, Jeweler, 144 Euclid aF.

TYPEWRITERS. Ten cents per line each Insertion. FOR Visible typewriter, 1n perfect order, $20 cash. 16 Olive st. 13 ion, Conestoga, Raleigh and confort, Shenandoab, Iron Chief and consort, 1 p.

Alva, Langdon, 9:40 last night; St. Paul, 12:40 this morning; Wade, Brower, Spencer, Rust and consort, 1 p. Tuttle and Lake consort, Forest, John Eddy and consort. Corunna, Vail, Packett tire and consort, 6:40. Noutheast, twentymiles: rain.

DETROIT, Oct. German. last night; Rensselaer, Senator, Amazonas. l'alsley, Grampian, 1:20 this morning; Nicholas. 1:40: Mariska and whaleback, Oglehay, Sawyer and consort, Rend, China, Bloom, William Brown, Sacramento, Matanzas, 9:20: Stewart, Waldo, 10; Aurania, P'eshtigo, Nasmyth, Tempest No.

2 and barges, Commodore, Chill, Briton, Mariposa, Davidson. Wallula, Pratt, Athens, Argonaut, Veronica and consort, Albany, Kendall, Troy, Omaha, Pioneer, Chattanooga, 11:30: Marlow. 11:10: Bunsen, Holley, James 12: Concord and barges, 12:40 p. Lake Shore, Glengarry, Minnedosa, Fads and whaleback, Saranac, Lehigh, Northern Queen, 4: India and consort, 5: Minneapolis. 7:20: Cadillac, Joliet, 9:40 last night; Illawatha, Angus Smith, 10; Alaska (steel), Stephenson.

Russell, Parker, 11: Fitzgerald, Sheldon, Negaunee. Mart, Tukon, 2 this morning; Beatts, 12: Hutchinson, 13:10 p. Adams, Republic, Charles Eddy, (old), Tuna, Cranage, Malieton. bilt, Manola and whaleback. PrinceInger, Selwyn Eddy, Montana, 1:30: VanderElphicke, Fairbairn, Corliss, Schleston and whaleback, Zenith City and whaleback.

Conemaugh, 2:20: Continental, Holland, 2:30: Mitchell Chickamauga. 2:10: Lackawanna. Tuscarora. 3: City of Rome, Twin Sister. 3:20: Iroquois, Crete, Plankinton, Moore.

Steel King, Caledonia, Lindsay, Ida Chicago, 5:30: Saturn, Lockwood. Flint, Embury and barges. Niagara, Falcon. Louty and barges, Baldwin and barges, 7:40: Armour, 8. SAULT STE.

MARIE. Oct. Centurion, 9:30 last night: Stewart, Brake, Naiad, Vega. 10: Milwaukee, 12: Northern Light, Lansing. Pathfinder, Major Rappahannock.

and 3:20 this morning; Holland, White Friant. Exile, Bradford, 6: Crescent City, 7:30: Glasgow, Abvssinia. Sitka, Harvard. Leafield, 8:20: Gayley, 8:10: Langham, Bulgaria, Tasmania, Coigate 11: lost. Ralph, Spokane.

Harold, 10: Langell, Arenac. Moore, Manitoba, 1:30 Connelly Brothers, Lozon, D. 111.: Marina. Thomas, Street, Godfrey. 3:20: Eriesson, Moonlight, Fulton.

4:40: Massachusetts, 5: Nimick. 5:40: Maricopa. Iolden, 6:20: Kanawha. 7:10: Rockefeller and whaleback. Olympia.

Alva. 12:40 Mather. this morning: Coltio. 1:10: Walter Scranton, 2:20: Fryer. Onk Loaf.

3: Warner. Thompson, 4:20: Wells. A. D. Thompson.

Salle. Spaulding. Jupiter. 7:30: 6: Dasaba. Magno.

Gilbert 10: Japan. 9:20: Forest City, Majestic. Turret Court. lives. 12:40 D.

Peavey. Shaw. 4: Biwablk. 2:20: George Bannockburn and consort. 3: Simon and whaleback, Tacoma, 6:40: l'ontian.

7:30: Manistique, Our Son. 9. OHIO MAN 1 CANDIDATE. Spirited Contest at Meeting of Methodist Local Preachers. PHILADELPHIA.

Oct. annual meeting of the national ass0cintion af local preachers of the Methodist Episcopal Prominent church be here yesterd were present fro.u "very section of the country and two from Charles Heap of Rockdale. and Thomas Walker of Southfield. loiton. The Monday.

most when important session will be hell take the election of officers will the office place. There is A spirit a contest for Boswell of of president between Rev. W. I. this city.

Rev. T. L. Jou's of rille. Now 0.

York and Rev. N. U. Walker of Wells- DIED. HELP WANTED- MALE.

Twenty words or less, 10 centa. Business announcements, 10 cents per line. ACTIVE young man, traveling position; experience unnecessary: $50 a month; eXDouses; $10 security required, Manager, 343 Superior room 417. 13 ANYONE anywhere who would correspond for newspapers; good pay: experience upnecessary. Address Press Syndicate, Lockport, N.

Y. 13 BOYS--Ten choir boys, under 12 years, St. John's Episcopal church. corner Church and Wall sts. Rehearsals Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 7 p.

Ill. Burton I. Turner, organist and choirmaster. 14 BLACKSMITH -Wanted. Argt -class All around blacksmith and helper; algo iron workers.

M. Clifford Bright and Noble. 13 BOY--Stock boy about 17 years old; must know something of office work. Standard Knitting 268 Erie st. 14 BOY--Good hoy, about 16, 10 help around horses.

1195 Lake View 2 minutes from Euclid. 13 BOY-Strong boy. 16 to 18 years old. Sterling Laundry, 78 Delaware. 13 BOY to work in plumbing shop.

E. A. Scott. 637 W. Madison AV.

14 BUTLER in private fawily; references required. 1965 Euclid. 14 BARBER-A good, steady barber, 3588 Euclid. 15 BARBER -Young barber or A neat boy to the barber trade. Call at 1465 Woodland av.

13 CARVERS- Wanted, first-class wood caryers. The Brooks Iousehold Art 636 Prospect at. 16 COOPERS--Good wages: steady work hoopIng off machine-made barrels. Colonial Salt Akron, 0. 13 CARPENTER -Handy man with carpenter's tools; an all around man; married man preferred; steady work.

The Astrup Mfg. 62 Warden st. 13 CARPENTERS-Two carpenters at 137 Luclid av. 13 ENGINEER: state license, competent in steam, electric and engines; strictly sober; best of reference. Dox 33-4, P'lain Dealer.

13 HOUSE to take care of horses, cow and yard. Inquire 1371 Detroit; reference required. 14 LADIES' TAILORS wanted to, go to Columbus, 0.: high wages paid; steady work; fare paid. Inquire at Goodman's d- gar store, cor. Seneca and St.

Clair sts. 13 LINEMEN-10 linemen at once. Address Interurbau Construction Alliance, 0. 13 MACHINIST and boilermaker for work In western rallroad shop: machinists with railroad experience; steady work to competent men: transportation free. Apply room 55, Imperial hotel, 235 Seneca.

14 MOLDERS-Bench and floor molders. Born Steel Range 1984 Pearl st. 13 OFFICE BOY -Immediately. bright office boy; excellent opportunity for a hustiing young man. Call personally and bring written application.

The National Acme Manufacturing C. P. P. near Quincy st. 13 OFFICE WORKIn manufacturing eatablishment, 9.11 office boy, about 17 years old.

Apply up stairs, at 778 Cedar av. 14 OFFICE man, watchman, clerks, inside laborers, men travel. Room 1, 222 Superior st. 13 ONE ACTIVE. educated mAn for each county Ohio immedintely: salary or guarantee pald.

Address Dodd, Dead Schultz Columbus. O. 14 P'HARMACIST to take Interest with good paving drug store. Address box 22-X. Plain Dealer.

11 with drst-class references. Call or address Home P'harmacy, 136 Fairfeld st. 14 DAN--Young man, well recommended, with some knowledge in stockkeeping and shipping, age 18 to 20, good handwriting and accurate in Agures: state salary and answer in handwriting. Address box 2-Y. Plain Dealer.

13 TAILOR -A steady good work. tallor best to work wages. on J. ladies' G. Schmittgen, Elyria, 0.

o. 13 TWO MEN for heavy work In foundry out of city; to sober men a good chance for advancement: best wages. Address box 22- Plain Dealer. 14 TILE SETTER- good, competent tile setter. Apply to mantel Auld Conger.

14 TINNERS and furnacemen: steady work. 3423 Euclid ar. I. B. McGrath.

13 WIRE WORKERS- Wanted, experienced wire workers, car builders, light seroil and grille makers; steady work and good pay; apply At once. Wisconsin Iron Wire Works, 186 E. Water Milwaukee, WiN. 18 YOUNG MEN to inake wooden boxes: sawor nailing: non-union preferred; stendy employment and good wages at start. The Bartholomew Box Mfg.

507 Seneca st. 14 MACHINIST and blacksmith; Arst-class all around man; good, steady position: married man about 30 years preferred. The Astrup Mfg. 62 Warden at. 13 WANTED Bartender.

Apply Casino. 13 HOME REMEDY WAS FATAL. Prized Canine Proved a Victim and Hie Mistress Will Give Him a fitting Burial. Poor Fido will bark no more in the halls of the Hazard apartment house. His shrill, sharp voice has been hushed by the ruthless hand of death.

And all because his overanxious mistress applied a home remedy for a slight ailment, which proved more fatal than the disease. Today Fido will be laid at rest all canine honors. The funeral arrangements have already been made. Early this morning a carpenter will construct tho coffin that is to contain the remains. It is to be a handsome casket of oak and lined.

The hour for the funeral rites has been set. Several days ago Fido, who belonged to a tenant of the Hazard apartment house, was taken ill. Finally Saturday case became serlous. His mistress consulted a book of hom*o remedies. Therein she found a recipe for a dog ailment that closely resembled the particular trouble of Fido.

The instructions were followed out to the letter. But somehow the little patient became worse instead of better' and Fido soon passed awav. This afternoon at 2 o'clock the last sad canine rites will be said at Dr. Staniforth's Central avenue hospital. Besides the doctor and his assistant there will be in attendance the bereaved owner.

Tomorrow night the interment will take place in the dog cemetery at Chagrin Falls. Fido was a valuable little pet. He was a co*cker spaniel of registered breed and only three years old. He was worth in the neighborhood of $100. HILL CALLS IT CRIMINAL.

Ex-Senator of New York Finds No Good Reason to Oppose Tariff Revision. NEW YORK. Oct. Democratic state campaign was opened last night In Brooklyn. Speeches were made by David lill.

Edward M. Grout. George Raines and others. Among other statements Mr. Hill declared that are confronted with gigantic combinations of corporate capital monopolizing the productions of the cartli and the manufactures of our artisans, atbitrarily ixing prices, making corners in tho necessities of life and the extent and multiplicity of whose operations substantially unlimited by law and uncontrolled by statute, who corrupt legislatures and congresses and dictate the governmental policies of subservient gorernors and Referring to the question of tariff rotisof surplus revenue in the treasury of the sion Mr.

Mill said: With tr $500,000,000 0000 United States it is folly -aye. it is almost criminal to further resist a modificat.on of the present exorbitant tariff rates. No rood reason (RI be urged revision should not be immediately After Oil in Oklahoma. GUTIIRIE. ().

OCT. Michael Cudahy, has president of the Cudahy Packing in the Osage just and leased two Cherokee sections of oil land nations. and is quoted As saying that his company will spend $2.000.000 in dereloping the property. "Wants" and Real Estate Advertising SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12: Plain Dealer ..43 Columns Leader 22 Columns Separate Advertisem*nts: Plain Leader 1188 528 Business announcements, 10 cents per line. BOOKKEEPER -Position by lady bookkeeper and typewriter; four years' experience; best references.

Box 70-Y, Plain Dealer. 13 100K- woman, cook of middle age for small boarding house: good and A pace. Address Mrs. Petterson, 6 Bridgo Ashtabula, 0. 13 -Capable girl for cooking and down stairs work in small family; no washing.

2062 Euclid av. ye. CASIIIER-A young lady with experience In general office work; must bave the best of references: state references in application. Address box 32-Z, Plain Dealer. 14 DRESSMAKER -Lady of experience would like dressmaking and plain sewing in families.

Box 125-X, Plain Dealer. 13 GIRL- -Apprentice girl on shirt waists and fancy waists. Call at 411 New England bldg. 13 GIRLS- Experienced girls to make boxes. Cleveland Paper Box factory.

13 HOUSEWORK--Girl for general housework; family of good wages. 436 Bolton. 11 HOUSEWORK -Colored girl for general housework; thoroughly competent: no washing; references required. 85 Bolton 14 HOUSEWORK--Good, competent girl, general housework; no washing or ironing; good wages; references required. 3035 aV.

18 HOUSEWORK -Competent German girl for general bousework. Including washing and ironing. family of two. Inquire after p. 100 Tilden av.

14 HOUSEWORK- -Wanted. A good, reliable girl to gO to the country for family of two; general housework. Apply 304 Frank11n AV. 15 HOUSEWORK--Competent girl for general housework; wages $3.50 to $4.50 per week. Apply 170 Oliver tel.

North 51 X. 14 HOUSEWORK -Girl for general housework: three in family. 2044 Euclid corner Bell. 15 HOUSEWORK -GIrl for housework, small family: good wages: nO washing. 310 Marcy, suite 2.

Phone A 1725. 13 HOUSEWORK- -Girl to assist in house. work. 510 Giddings Euclid car. 13 girl for gencral housework in family of three; good place.

Apply 117 Spangler av. 13 HOUSEWORK -Girl for general housework in small family. Inqulre 141 Cornell st. 13 SEWING--An Intelligent German speaking woman for grown children; must be able 10 do neat sowing: references required: apply mornings. 231 M.

Prospect. Tel. East 1044 L. 14 SECOND WORK--Girl for second work, with references: on the lake shore, Glenville. I'hone Glen.

46. J'. O. box 75. 13 SECOND GIRL Reference required.

Apply $2 Ingleside av. 14 WAIST HAND -Competent walst and sleeve hand at once. 18 Sibley st. 14 WANTED- Cleaning and ironing by competent woman. Airs.

143 Oregon st. 13 WANTED Sewing girls, Immediately. lloyt, Kent, Softon Co. 13 3 GIRLS to learn sewing hoods. Forest City Incandescent Mantle 457 Woodland.

13 HELP WANTED -FEMALE. Twenty words or less, 10 cents. STENOGRAPHERS. Twenty wordg or less. 13 cents.

STENOGRAPHIER-Competent lady stellographer desires plece work of any kind; neat and accurate: prompt sollciting: campaign work a specialty; rates reasonable. 14 rapber desires position; references it STENOGRAPHER- Competent lady stenognecessary. Address box 64-Z, Plain Dealer. 13 STENOGRAPHER Rapid and experience, accurate male stenographer: Ave years' desires position: references furnished. Box 79-T.

P'lain Dealer. 16 STENOGRAPHER -Young man, 20 yrs. old. desires position AS stenographer: 3 urs' experience: best references. Box 124-Y.

Pinin Dealer. 13 WANTED--SALESMEN. Ten cents per line each insertion. SALESMAN -Experienced man 1.0 sell crackers and fancy biscu't; also two side lines which are tine sellers: preference given to one acquainted with the trade in northwestern Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio and western New York; good commission to right mau; can bandle other lines which do not conflict. Address, with full partleulars and references, I'.

A. box S-5, Plain Dealer. p03 CLEVELAND cloak house desires to employ experienced cloak or dry goods salesman for Ohio and Michigan: excellent position for right wan. Box 10-Y. P'ialu Dealer.

13 WANTED--AGENTS. Ten cents per line each insertion. A. A WORKING California GOLD and COP. P'ER MINE is ready to erect reduction works and desires al reliable agent in chis city and vicinity to sell Its treasury stock.

commission: a BIG MINE and legitimato enterprise: best of bank reforfurnished: 8 reputable and profitabie coportunity for one of good connections. Address L. M. Gregory, 500 Frost Los Angeles, Cal. 8-11-13 AGENTS--No lapses: sick and death bene.

fit best terms to hustlers. Call S. Rothblum. 811 Superior. 19 EMPLOYMENT BUREAU.

Twenty cents per Ilne each Insertion. CONCERNS wanting help can get men for office, store, shop, labor, quickly; no expense. The Young Men's Christian association. Main 1021., Employment Department. DRESSMAKING.

'Ten cents per line each Insertion. MESDAMES and Benham, modistes. loom 37-38. 122 Lucid Cleveland. 0.

13 SEWING MACHINES. Ten cents per line each insertion. NEW rented. and Shea's, second 9. $2 Cur.

up; A. machines 866. I FULL RENT--HOUSES. Ten cents per line each Insertion. Business announcements, 10 cents per line.

ANHURST 53-New home, A. Euclid cars, all Blackstone improvements, bldg. Tel. Main 1547. $20.00.

FOGLE, Cuy. 1677. DODGE house; no references required; $65.00. N. rent, 10-room modern M.

PLATT, 232 Colonial Arcade. 13 A 331-Eleven rooms, west Tel. of EUCLID Brownell. Inquire 1015 Garfield bldg. 11 Main 18.

JENNINGS 671 (cor. 13 -12- room house: all conveniences. KENNILWORTH-A fine nine-room Kennilworth. house, hardwood tinish. Inquire 143 13 MINERVA 9-G rooms, bathroom, furnace, nicely decorated, $24.00.

I'hone 14 E. 1134 or Call 64 Fourth av. OLIVE -Now 8-room house: all modern improvements; $25. East End Realty ('0. 15 OLIVE 94.

near Euclid -House, 9 rOOmS, good order and all modern conreniences. Inquire Cuy. M. 2249. 13 P'ROSPECT 1069-For rent.

large. fine residence: reasonable terms. C. F. Lang, 1325 Willlamson bldg.

13 NO. 70 VAN BUREN Nine-room house: hardwood floors, steam heat: we furnish the coal: all modern conveniences; price $35. So. Logan house. Jarge rooms: all conveniences; large lot and barn; price $32.

G. W. STIA WV. 504 Soc. for Sav.

SUP'ERIOR 2000 -Modern room house, $30. Chas. Voth, 335 Society for Savings. 13 TIL.DEN No. S6-9-room house; open plumbing: modern and good condition.

Inquire 418 Williamson bidg. 18 NORTH PERRY, 150-Ncoly furnished rooms; steam beat, bath and phone. North 68 R. 18 NORTH PERRY. 152-Fu' nished ro mg.

$2 and up; steam heat: 10 m'n. walk to Square. 14 FOR RENT--On Masdeld Heights, beautiful homes from $25 to $40 per month. 8 to 11 rooms. M.

M. BROWN. 628 Garfeld FOR RENT phone Malo 3002; Cuy. M. 13; resiFive cents per line each insertion.

dence, Doan 207 J. Business announcements, 10 cents per line. $18.00 PER MONTH--Six rooms, bath and furnace: pear Genesee and Superior. InBOND redecorated. quire II.

B. CODY. Garfield bldg. 13 Bond refurnished; the four-story block, 90-2-4-6 CAREFUL, movers. Engle Storage Movfor rent to opp.

parties; references Ing Co. North 416. Cuy. C. 322.

Rockwell school; rooms are responsible required. 10 THE TAYLOR, modern 416 conveniences. Euclid-Furnished BEECHWOOD, 77-Two nicely furnished rooms: bath: 1 rooms: all conveniences; private family; gentlemen preferred. 13 FOR RENT--FLATS. CASE 779-Nicely furnished room for Ten cents each insertion.

1 or 2 gentlemen; reasonable to right THE MILTON. Jennings corner Iolmparty. Cuy. 2339. 13 den--A fine 7-room suite: possession given CEDAR AV.

389-Newly furnished rooms, Nov. 1. Elmer B. Hanscomn, No. 802 Cuyall conveniences: gentlemen only.

16 ahoga bldg. 18 CEDAR 360-Unfurnished rooms; gus, THE LORDELL. Collins -Fine 2nd door heat and bath: rent reasonable. 13 8-room suite. 401 New England bldg.

CHESTNUT. 154-Two nicely furnished EAST END suites, $20. $15, $14. $12. Apply front rooms; all conveniences.

13 369 Superior Arcade Suit purlors. 13 CHESTNUT 140-Front room In priVato family: steam heat and bath: suite 1. FOR RENT-DESK ROOM. 13 Ten cents per line each insertion. CRAWFORD 145-Nicely furnished DESK ROOM.

314 Williamson bldg. front room: all modern improvements. 13 EUCLID, 275-Nicely furnished rooms; WANTED-ROOMS AND BOARD. steam heat; hot and cold water and baths; $2.50 and up per week. G.

A. Beck- Ten cents per line each Insertion. with. 14 MAN and wife, both employed, want two EUCLID, 568-Furnished, pleasant front or three rooms (bedroom furnished), with room aud single room. 13 board, on or between Franklin and Detroit ECCLID.

433- Nicely furnished I rooms. Mrs. and Box west 129-Y. of I'lain Gordon: state particulars fully. 13 Moulton.

13 Dealer. GRANGER 45-Nicely furnished room WANTED--Pleasant furnished room. with with alcove, suitable for light housckeep- hoard. for gentlemen by private family, ing. 13 near Square.

Box 145-Y. Plain Dealer. 11 HANDY near Euclid- -Well furnished room in modern fat, for gentleman: pri- AUCTION. rate family. Box Plain Dealer.

13 Ten cents per line each insertion. nished rooms with bath: front rooms. 13 WE will sell at auction on Wednesday, HUNTINGTON. 303-To rent. tiro unfairOct.

13, 9:30 d. 135 CLINTON ST. KENILWORTH 159-Furnished or un- (West Side, near Kentucky (take Detroit furnished housekeeping rooms. 14 or W. Madison cars), the entire furniture 4 ROOMS to man and wife; references.

of all S-room house, consisting of two bedBox 122-X. Dealer. 13 r'0011 sults. iron bed, mattresses and springs, bedding. three carpets, rugs.

New LUGGAGE LUGGED -Smith Baggage Favorite range with hot water connection. 136 Walnut: North 826 Cuy. M. 156. baseburner (burns soft conl).

magalficent BENFIELD 38-Room for two gentle- onk tifui dining sideboard. chairs, $35.00 oak combination dining table, bookcase, beaumen: all conveniences. 11 parlor set. center tables. rockers, White PROSPECT.

512-For rent, furnished rooms sowing machine, rope portieres. couch, picwith heat and gas. 14 1 hall tree. books, bric-a-brac, CUTtains, clock. refrigerator, glassware, front PROSPECT.

rooms: 167. steam suite heat. 4-Two furnished kitchen-ware. etc. This is an elegant vaS and bath; outfit of furniture, comparatively new, minute's walk from Colonial Arcade.

14 chiefly oak. and modern. Sale positive. PROSPECT. 483-Very desirable double and Tering cash.

single rooms; well furnished; for gentle. THE R. H. STROUSE Auctioneers, men. Both phones.

866 Rose bldr. 14 RICHLAND. Inquire at 8-Two suites of 5 rooms each, with bath, $14 and S1G. 13 EXTRAORDINARY -We will sell at Allution, Tuesday, Oct. 14.

9:30 a. 860 Clark SIBLEY. 101-Furnished Oi unfurnished av. (near Pearl. the entire furniture of rooms: all conveniences.

13 10-room house. consisting of iron and brass SUPERIOR 811-Large front parlor. beds. bedroom suites, elegant oak swell elegantly furnished. other furnished front dressers.

large amount of bedding. rooms; steam hent, gas, bath: $2.50, $3.50 Eldridge sowing machines. vouch. Brussels week. 13 and ingrain carpets, hall tree, large mirror, SUPERIOR elegant rugs and rockers.

clocks. stoves, ed room. with 62S. suite 500-Steam beat- baseburner. Born steel range.

kitchenware. SUPERIOR 1250-Front room. alcove stove, many dishes. bric-a-brac, Jace ourbath. for one or two.

21 dining table and chairs, gasoline stove. gas and closet: heat and bath: suitable for tains, shades. chamber sets. two gentlemen; private family. 14 wringer.

tubs. carpet sweeper. etc. This is nn elegant outfit of modern. un-to-date.

ST. CLAIR, 626, rear-2 rooms, $5.00. Inquire clean goods. This will be 3 large all day 350 Dunham. 14 sale.

Come carly. WILLSON AV. 008-Furnished room for Both phones. THE R. I.

Auctioneers. STROUSE 860 Rose one or tiro gentlemen. Guy. phone bldg. 2135.

15 13 TWO in flat, separated or together: THE M. SEYMOUR. MURRAY Tuesday, Oct. R. quire gas, bath.

janitor. 'The steam beat: Hayward. references. In- 14, will sell at residence, 589 Woodland 14 13 LARGE front room in private family with hoine comforts for 1 or 2 gentlemen: PERSONAL. Lincoln between Cedar and Central, Box 106-Z, Plain Dealer.

15 Fifteen cents per line each Insertion. FURNISHED rooms for rent. near Trov- ALABASTER clear skin, soft, supple white don: reference required. Box 44-Y. Plain fascinating complexion secured.

Dealer. 14 using Satin Cream and Satin-Skin Powder. Found best by test. 25c. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS.

LADY who desires boards 10 meet and has a gentleman, good 26 or position 27: one Ten cents per line each insertion. proferred; object, matrimony. Box 72-Y, Plain Realer. 1 FOUR unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Call tel.

Doan 819 R. 14 SCALP trentment, 602 manicuring, chiropodist. Miss L. B. Johnsou, Permanent bldg.

WALNUT 64--Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 13 MISS ALVORD, manicuring, chiropody, scalp massage. 8 I'sthian temple, 10 a. p.m. BOARDING.

Ten cents per line each insertion. Superfuous hair, moles pAID rssly removed: electrolysis: $1. Miss Reese. 50 Euclid. PLEASANT room and board for couple OT C.

REBECCA POLLOCK. removed to 92 two gentlemen in private family, Euclid room 12 Main 1771 J. 18 beautiful location, near Central high school. Address P. O.

box 9, Sta. city. 15 NOTICE. 'THE family hotel. cor.

Ten per line each insertion. -Now P'erry and P'rospect; excellent meals: 6 o'clock dinners; transients accommodated. NOTICE. $1 per day. 18 The board of directors of the Federa! THE BRENT WOOD.

60 Jennings -Elegant- Trust Co. lins declared a dividend of 112 ly furnished. steam heated room. with per cent. en Its capital stock, payable NOboard: every convenience: 0110 mile from vember 1, 1902, to the Loldors of recomi Square: day boarders necommodated.

ot such stock on October 20, 1302. "re hooks for transfer will be closed October FOR RENT -BUSINESS PLACES. 20 and reopened THE November FEDERAL TRUST 1902. Ten cents per line cach George F. Clewell, Secretary.

19 FOR RENT -Floor on Hamilton be- MISS wishes B. to IRENE announce LOWE to her of 122 Euclid that tween Case and Wason, with power. Ill- she is patrons quire Ralkwill Pat. 970 Hamilton st. now making shirt waists from $2 13 up.

18 mercantile buildings, stores, our up spe- LOUTH. (So. side of Square) BUILDING, Remodeling and fitting of DR. 48 Pubiic square. cialty.

Geo. A. Rutherford, 40 Sheriff st. FOR RENT-2 store rooms with cellar. 331-333 Ansel low rent to right par- STORAGE.

ties. Chas. Ruprecht, 236 Superior st. Ten cents per line each insertion. METAL estimate CEILINGS cost for for new or old J.

stores; STORE your goods with the Buckeye Loan let 08 you. Calla- Storage separate iron rooms; lOw ghan Erie M. 66. Insurance. 47 Bollrar st.

Phone 1565: C. 37S. In WAREROOMS. factory sites. power bulldInge, storerooms.

Louls J. Ice. 22S The Free cartage 011 storage. City Storage L. Arcade.

(Superior ent.) t'ur. 1031. Ontario. Bell Main. 2007 OFFICES, stores, warerooms.

rower bldgs. STORAGE, packing. Eagle Storage MovJohn Blood. 603 Am. Trust bldg.

Ing Engle, cor. Erie: both phones. ROOMS. with power: brick building: St. 411.

EUCLID R. M. Murray C. L. Clair.

near Case. I'. S. Balkwill. 14 Seymour.

Storage. packing. shipping. FLOOR space for stores, warehouse. HORSES AND VEHICLES.

F. S. Jones. 1226 Tel, A S6. Ten cents per line each insertion.

FOR RENT -OFFICES. FOR SALE--Sound, gentle road mare, buggy Ten cents per line each insertion. 2ndl harness. Inquire Goo. R.

McKay, 815 of Society for Savings. 13 FOR RENT-Oficee In the Western Re- HORSES. all sizes. Superior Ice come serve building, Water cor. Superior: Guard rear of workhouse.

3-5-7-9-13 the also two stores 00 Water st. Inquire room 700. GOOD sound sorrel horse: ladies can drive. 131 Murray Hill ay 1:1 8. OFFICES for reut In THE CLARENCH closed 122 Euclid.

Inq. office of the blig. FOR SALE--Pony and cart. 161 Holmden Fan 15 avenue. 13 at FOR RENT-Fine light offce In Wick 1902.

block. Public square: low rents. PIANOS AND ORGANS. CENTRAL TRUST 176 Euclid: In.d- Ten cents per line each insertion. ern offices for rent: prices moderate.

31 MAIIOGANY upright piano, only used 5 months, good 15 new; also tue furniture; WANTED--FLATS. will sell very cheap. 1109 Case Ar. 18 Ten cents per line each insertion. STEINWAY upright piano cheap to.

caSa. J. Box 107, station city. of 3 adults; references. Box by FOR SALE -Beautiful new upright piano; and FURNISHED, house or fat in East End Plain Dealer, 13 $1 per week, Box 50.

station city. tile REAL ESTATE. Ten cents per line each Insertion. NEW YORK SUPREME COURT. Saturday, Oct.

TITION 18, 1902, SALE. at 10 premises, Sholdrake, N. A. on Hotel and Cottuge, 100 t'aruga Lako and Hotel Farm 20) acres, room-, ago 011 Lake. stock, implements, half mil.

frontAlso 12-Acre porcol ete. frontage on Lake. near 477 fret DANIEL SEYMOUR. Particulars of Drexel Building, New York City. 7-9-12-13 Clifton Park.

fect In sewer addition to system, Macadamized roads, vas, filtered water, pure telephone air. boating. connections, Ing. fishing. handsome homes, bathshaded lots at moderate large, well have A beautiful club prices, will SUDD the finest drives in tue house and two of utes from tho Sonaro via state.

But: 30 mlaVard. Offce 511 Cuyahoga Clifton boule. bids. FINE new rented residence property Colling $19,000. Geo.

I. Tipling, $2.340.00 rear: place. owner, 61 Colling FOR SALE- lot G0x142. north 14 Collinwood: lake front privilege; of gain. Box 50-Y.

Plain a bar13 occupled have a home which must be boy A good tenant who 1s soil: now to rent for a 1erm of roars nt will: good rental; want an investing Mir re than A P'hore 251. purchaser. 13 FOR cations SALE--One of the most in Cleveland: 11-room pleasant house JoGonesce Inquire 108 near Superior Euclid; st. lot 50x100; 13 FOR SALE-HOUSES AND LOTS. Ten cents per line each insertion.

Mayfield Heights. Beautiful homes for silo 00 payments from $25.00 to $50.00 bor monthly beavy prices shade $2,000. and $3,600, all street $1,000, improvements; $25,000. 30,000, Telerhones, Main 3002. M.

13; residen Donn 207 J. M. M. BROWN. Owner.

523 Garfold bug. ARE you looking for 1 bome? 11 -0. take let a few minutes and call or telephone ani us know your needs. East End East HALL. ('lovoland properties our specialty.

GAENSSLEN HALL. 610 Now England Bide. 14 NO. 9 MINERVA 6 bath rost furnace, nicely decorated. $3,40.

I'Rone 1134 J. or call G4 Fourth av. 11 FOR SALE--Elegant 9-room house, with all want improvements; perfort in particular. an offer. Near (Ol'.

Doan and St. Clair. Box 14-Y. Plain Dealer. 11 152 COMMONWEALTH all modern conveniences, including furnace and hot water bent: electric gas lighting, a bargain.

Apply 011 promisos. 11 SALE ostnte. AND business places: kinds real cialty. N. M.

PLATT. 232 Colonial Arcade. 11 $200 DOWN, balance $16 per month: 6-room house: all improvements. Inquire I. B.

CODY. Garfield bldg. 13 Business announcements, 10 cents per line. AD WRITER desires change of position; experienced In laying out and newspaper ads, catalogues, booklets, etc. Box Plain Dealer, 18,.

BOOKKEEPER -Position by a practical bookkeeper; salary reasonable: best of references: come In tweuty days. Box 118-Y, Plain Dealer. 13 BOOKKEEPER or general ofdce work by young mian of experience. Box 67-Y, Plain Dealer. 13 COACHMAN Competent married luau would like a position as coachman 15 rears' experience; sober: can give the best of references.

Box 138-Z, Plain Dealer. 15 MAN wants position as delivery man for grocery or dry goods store. Address box 444-K, Plain Dealer. 11 NIGHT WATCHMAN-Situation wanted as night watchman; good references. Inquire 1665 Woodiand.

Cuy. 623. 13 PRINTER All-round wan, compositor, pressman. feeder, wants a steady situation at $9.00 per week Arst year. Address Printer, 1051 Broadway.

13 SALOON PORTER, understand bartending, not afraid of work. 161 Fremont st. 13 WATCHMAN--By sober, industrious young man, situation A a watchinan: best of reference. Box 27-7, I'lain Dealer. 14 MACHINIST--Floor machinist wants employment in shop where there is chance to run machine.

Box 129-7, Plain Dealer. 13 YOUNG MAN with several years' newspaper experience, desires position in advertising department of a reliable firm. Box 141-T. Plain Dealer. 16 YOUNG MAN.

with 7 years' experience In cluh and first-class bars. desires steady position for winter: no objection to leaving city. Box 29-7. Plain Dealer. 11 YOUNG MAN wants office situation.

BOx 117-X, Plain Dealer. 15 SITUATIONS -FEMALE. Twenty words or less, 10 cents. Business announcements, 10 centa per line. BOOKKEEPER or stenographer by young lady; three rears' experience: good penman: good reference.

Box 148-Y, I'lain Dealer. 14 CHAMBERMAID Reined girl wishes po85 in good private family for up stairs work and sewing; best of references. Box 92-K, Plain Dealer. 13 CHAMBERMAID--Competent girl wishes situation in 8 first-class family for up stairs work and sewing. Cali at 103 Harmon st.

13 GOOD German lady wishes place to wash on Wednesday and Saturday. Box Plain Dealer. 13 tion at general housework. Call 409 ConHOUSEWORK -Colored 1 girl wants situatral av. 13 NURSE--By a trained nurse, a position to care for an invalid; Al references.

Box 79-X, P'lain Dealer. 17 NURSE-'Trained mrse (graduate eastern hospital). wants position AN companion to lady elderly couple going south: roferences furnished. Address 720 Chagrin Falls, 0. 13 NURSE.

desiring change. would like posttion in gentloman': family: physician preferred: excellent references. Box 33-4. Plain Dealer. 13 OFFICE WORK--A roung girl desires DOsition in office as office girl.

with experience; willing to begin with $3.50 to please answer Immediately. Bor 33-Y. Plain Dealer. 13 FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS. Ten cents per line each insertion.

THE entire contents of 1100 Case av. will fine be sold furniture: at private also sale: mahogany 11 rooms: upright very ano; goods are all like new: ouly used a short time and the finest money could buy, will sell cheap, separately: not boarding house furniture. but all fine goods; call any time: Scovill car. 18 FOR rolls wall paper, roll; 4,000 gals. mixed paint; $1.00 desks, counters, showcases, safes, large mirror, scales, 2 bicycles, etc.

T. I'. Westropp 303 and 307 Pearl st. 18 FOR SALE-1 gas range, 1 laundry stove. 1 baby buggy.

2 go-carts, 1 ice chest. 2 bedroom carpets, 1 hall carpet. 1 Horax water beater, 1 bedroom set: all In good tral and Quincy. 13 condition. 36 Van Buren het between CenIF YOU really want to save coal buy Minneapolis furnace regulator.

Open evenings after Oct. 15. Bartlett Electrie Co. FOR SALE -Dental chair. In good condition: terms cash: would be useful to barber also.

Apply 91 Sibley from 5 to ll. 13 NEW and 2d-band DYNAMOS and TORS: we bulld and repair them. Electric Repair Construction 40 Sheriff st. 'TO close out private establishment: dre elegant carriages of best makes; fine OTder. Can be seen at 411 Euclid av.

13 TO really save coal hur a Minneapolls fur. nace regulator. Open evenings after Oct. 15. Bartlett Electric Co.

FOR SALE -Counter and walnut wall cabmet. Call at the Singer Mfg. 396 Superior st. 17 1 10 h. p.

automatic horizontal engire $130. C. 0. SNOW 43-45 Center. TYPEWRITERS-100 perfect.

new $40 mAchines $7.80 each. 2:8 Hank cor. Long. 18 ATI. SIZES OF NEW ASI TIA NO ARCADE.

FOR SALE--Fine oak office partition, choap. Inquire 1831 I. Madison av. 14 Ten cents per line each insertion. TUGS WANTED -Wanted.

to purchase tug in Food working order for Inke and harbor towing: must be IS to 22 square or the equivalent; also medium sized 111g nhout 14 square; state price. ago of hull and boiler and where they van be examined for immediate delivery: secondhand TilL engine 10 square or larger: give price and condition. lox 3-1. l'lain Dealer. 11 WANTED -Furniture.

stoves. carpets And merchandise for cash. City Storage 373 Ontario Bell Main 2567 Tr. SECOND-HAND safe. 5x4x3 feet: fireproof with s1ccl chest.

Address box 196-X. P'lain Dealer. 14 DETECTIVE AGENCIES. MINTZ Detective Agency, 303 Cuyaboga bid ESTATE. Ten Cents per line each Insertion.

SMALL, modern house. ('edar or 1001:1 car line: state cash price and particulars. Lox 119-Y. l'lain Dealer. 14 MONEY TO LOAN.

Ten cents per line each insertion. MORTGAGE LOANS promptly candle en 1m. proved Cleveland rent estate. The Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company. P.

M. BARNARD, 605 Williamson. REAL estate loans made promptly on satisfactory terms. The Ohlo Mutual Savings Loan 411 Society for Savings. MORTGAGE loans on real estate at 5 and 6 per sati factors terms: long time.

S. Ulmer. 627-628 Williamson bldg. MONEY TO LOAN--CHATTELS. Ten cents per line each insertion.

You Need Money? We Lend Money On Furniture. Etc. Our l'lan will I'lease You -Low late. Liberal Benefit Charze No Adrance. Talk Confidential.

Century Buildinz. Room 504. 197 Superior Street Over English Wooles Mills Co. CHAS. F.

ST. JOHN Manager. -Bell. M. 2510 J.

Curahoga. A. BeforeBorrowingMoney ON FURNITURE PIANOS, DIAMONDS, Call on. write or phone 118. We :41 you money.

loan money 14 low 89 and 1 1-2 per without remoral and to suit your convenience. FOREST CITY CHATTEL 10. 322 and 323 Society for Savings Bile. Established 1150. Incorporated.

Home Security Co. 90 EUCLID AVE. (up stairs.) Money to ou Diamonds. Watches. Jewelry.

etc. Business Confidential. TIED Rlackstone Economy Bullding 222 1-2 Sonora 350 Loan for 12 months. 12 pAymEntS of $5.41 Uti ebattols: other amounts in proportion. THE PEOPLE'S LOAN 801 Ver Jin.

p- anos, salary. long time: lowest gland: made on household rates, TIE Collateral Loan loans dinmonds. watches. 405. lowest rates.

try US 113 Euclid room LOANS--On chatte at Tol. 1 1308: 378. Bunkere Loan 47 C. 1 pla. MONEY TO ARIES.

Ten cents pe: lo. three And to Ic. It does not count. relates tween for the the hol es hanging 1.3't of Do You advance penalty the for referee, en and plan We to male and responsible nosition, for elsewhere. about We also ONE-HALF buy the Accounts.

Pouts, Annulties. Incomes, Notes rates charged and all good securities. Business confidential. No prol'minary charges. Omee hours A.

m. to D. m. John Mulholland. 712-13 Cuyahoga Bldg.

Salary Loans. Salary loans to honest employes: no lowest mort. gage, 110 indorser, 110 publicity: rates easiest payments. Credit Successor to Confidential Credit Co. Room 412 Cuyaboga 4th floor.

MONEY chants. teamsters, boarding bouses; no se. loaned salaried people, retall mereasy, payments; 1214 largest New business 43 curity: principal cites. Tolmau, England. NOTICE TO BORROWERS.

Money advanced on salaries: confidential lowest rates city: OHIO SALARY LOAN 415 Arcade. business strictly ENTERPRISE SALARY LOAN 1115 New Cogland rates and payments eASy: call 01! 018: it wiil par rou. NOTICE OF MEETING. CINCINNATI, CHICAGO LOUIS RAILWAY COMPANY. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING, The annual meeting for of the the election Stockholders D1- this Comvany, of rectors and for the such meeting, other will business be Ag before held at office of the Company, corner of Third Smith streets.

Cincinnati, Ohio, on Wednesday. October 29. 1902. at 10 o'clock 111. 'The stock transfer books will ba the office of More I'.

No. 23 Wall street. Now York. 3 o'clock D. Thursdas, October 9, nud reopen at 10 o'clock d.

Friday, October 31. 1002. F. F. OSBORN.

Secretary. Cincinnati. 30. 1902 20 INSURANCE. Ten cents per line each Insertion.

L. RICE Reliable Fire Insurance Agents. Good companies. falr dealing prompt settlement. Sulte 12, MercanBank Bld Telepbone 1933.

6 51 3.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.