The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

LastPax. I CUBA. Hieru tiM Cnra. Makik "eRF.OLE. Nelson 4.

P. M. cava. ARROW. Chamberlain, P.

M. ear. M.odvilie OPHELIA. DUuirry. lo A at STAR 8nrftb, iifcA.M eara.

leannafs P. TWEED. 5 P. M. I "haYS.

Brandenburg. P. 1U. I Reynaaed. A.

M. lf INCiOMAR. McDonougb. 6 P. M.

ALECK SCOTT. fitu 5 P.M. glLs CHANCELLOR. Stewart. M.

1a" 1 RAN KliTOS White. A P. M. yer" i n.ariM ocean steamers. MOM USITKD STATES, I.

rare For uay. New Vera Crux July 16 York via Ja 16 IjUwa KS rrr.r.LiTerposI vi Halifex.July 16 Santiago July 17 SHUI" SrwTork Liverpool July 19 Liverpool July Af' SUr York Liverpool July S4 Hvre via Cornea. July So ftVM TM.OM r.oaora. rjveraooi New York.r June an Africa New York via Cowea.July yaitaa fjVerpool. Boston via July 6 Jilagere fcVerSo).

New York July LlveTpool. NewYork Baltimore July 1 ICT; Ju.y 1 Tr! For Manoevtiie. Mamauuvilte and LewlsV. rg passenger packet iKROW.fli.ra rrguUrly FVFRY DAY (ex fcrthe above ua nrd commencing J2En Jiving on erriv.r of fTie 4 o'clock r.o ttsevenina Jvio irr LMHianV biuih.mb. horn New York to New Orleans in Deremoer last.

C1TI'J their invoices at once to tbe undress itat where and for what amount insured. SfneJ.san rrrj oat on the Bahama, tbey are re yJiaentlf the mtrchandtse eaved and amke a divi 'S The matter ha. already been kept tLSoJ5ndif conrfgnee.per.Ut in neglecting thi. will laae tbeir of aavinga. JOBNSOST A H19Q1NS.

Average Adjuster, Wall ilrert. York. JfO Of fKLIUHl rK Llj! JlfOBlLE Hereafter all goi. by tbi. 1 25 aYaccompauied by bil lading, otherwise they at tae expense owner, or ronatcnees.

K. GF.DDE8, Agent KPrlCE Tne steamer of the 8. Ml Steamship future leave tbia port for ow ork. via gJJJJJrJI, i and 16B, inatead of Uie 6th aud iOtb rhe PHILA ft i Ut8w. romm.ndrr.

will leave her wharf. "irsT JOSEPH STREET, for New York, via Ha "WEDNESDAY, the I'th InaL. at 8 A. pre Vith (hi Sovernment Mai la and paaiengr. tor frSlb't arpaf.

PP'y olEce of lhe CouipaDy, 7i unIjDe lacghland coJ IrttJyi lhaabipOlbtu.xitJt., J. louu. niaa tXam Liverpool, will coinn ence diacbarring on SION iS'YWxt. orpoute Poat 41. Toird Di.tnct SZLmmu rHctully reqoeated to attend to rereipc SToVan the Levee.

All good, rot permitted wiU be auolic at trie ri.k of the comigneea. irilf.H ASHBRIPtrE A I' Common at. "to SHIPPERS BY THE STEAMER. 1E DE Tbe SLZiati are adviaed by Capt Lewia, of the abeve lomL. that all the freight conaigned to point, above SSTftwLttoweiiwilhMr rm.

White, Baldwin mitb, Slhravevort. and wbject to the order, of conaigneea. rkThalaBC of tba freight waa forwarded by a keel boat iwinu. About two4hlrd of the gooa.were uved. SLfySS waa aeBt down by the H.

M. Wright, but we 2ii adviaed to wbom it wa addrened. M. ROBINSON A CO 100 eravirT rt. FOR RXNT The fourtory Store.

No. 47 Coni mm atreet. near the corner of Magazine a'rret 1 (comfortable Reaidence fr a tmall familyH Potaeaiion aiveu immediately. Apply W. M.

ABERNATHY. jjii hi 47 Common street. to RENT Family Ke.idence to rent in Jeffer City, aitoatel at the comer of An.terlits and tjrt Oak atreeta it contain, ten and baa JeatT of ground attacted to make a large garden. The Nlnxtae atreet omnibuaea paaa within one nun of it. i.p three aoaarea fiotl Napoleon Avenue.

For im A. BROXSEMA. 4 Cniptt. Fiabermea tor the Luke. a i.l 1 Tl rMmimuliit llinae who ha ta as as bahing excuraiona.

Alter tnar, toe nauai Jtit88nifa Plaa Forien. For ule. PIANO FORTES from 7HICK.ERINO SONS and NUNN8 CLARK. I For the month, of Jalv. Aufnit and 'encember.

the mbecriber will aell (with BTtewt reduce hi. Mark ail cuwaea of Pianoa at 10 per cent, keaaw ine tmcmry pn. Tba Mack to large and well aawrted. JeTi Si HENRY PARSONS. 13 Camp atraat.

from ERBEN, New York, a Parlor my preamea on the ath a wg buy named CHARLES, bright mulatto, aged li yea hair ret Abort bad on when ha left a check ahlrt and cattawaae pania no dm Jari U1DBU1I I at JJI jovrj. HEREBY revoke all powera of attomrv granted by mi previoua ta th'a dateT MANUEL CNIZ. Say St. Louia. Ju'y 10.

1AV Jyll 3tt To Physicians. a REASONABLE price will be paid to any phyairian A who will guarantea to cure ao ulcer of iii month, hading, on tbe leg. Addreaa STRANGER. Picayune egjee, Mating wben and where an Interview can be had. JyU UT LiOt.

A CHILD'S GOLD BRACELET, with female head In pointing thereon. A auitable reward will be paid to the aader by leaving the ame at tbi.oriice. Jyll It 1 Boiler lor riu TWO of 44 mch diameter by 30 feet long, double flaed, aacaad band. Two af inch diameter by 88 feet long, double Sued, amd kand. Ta of 43 inch diameter by 30 feet long, double flued, areaawhaad.

Oae of S4 iacn diameter Dy it icet long, uouoie uueu, A h. I AUo. the following, new Two of inch diameter by 0 feet long, with two 11 aca diameter flue, in each. Apply ta the Belleville Iron Algiera. or to COOK.

A FALLON." Jyll lm Office No li Commercial Plare. Notice. QThe undenigned reapectfully inform, tua friend, and the public generally, tb.t he ba. fitted up at the Grand Terre the GRAND TERRE HOTEL. where he ready to accommodate hia patron, in the beat atvle aad oa aaoderate terma.

Tbe hotel i. on the For atall Plantation, a aplendid (ite, affording fine bathing, aaudaat 6hing. Ac. The ateaaa boat LariUe leave, the Harvey Canal twice a wink, aa per advertiaement. Jyll iot L.

ANDRE. 8r. Dollar Ueward for a Thief and Boat. A clinker built centre board lioat, adapted rm fce akaauring. waa atolen from the b.rf at Mobile "aMimo, Saturday TaM.

She ia painted white, with two alack atreaka. rigged main bright and nearly avw, with a patco on the after lah. near tbe head the jib art tiring without a atay, and which la mildewed rig gtageottaa, with exception of which are hemp; Nfeetloag. 74 feet beam. feet bold ber ballvt waa iaduatd in two aand baga painted lead color.

On the conviction of the thief A2C, and .10 and reaaoiiahle e.xpenaea tbe boat, will be paid by me. ELAM PHILIPS. 67 Civilian and Gazette, Galveatoo. Texaa, copy three Thar, and aradbUl to Mobile, and it will be remitted. Jyll 1 For Hale, The aieamboata C.

HAYS and J. MOR RISETT, both in good running order. For apply to CON VERS, KENNETT A ro Front rtreet. Jyll tf HAkllWA RE WOLFE, DASH A FISHER, aora to Wolfe, GiUripie Importer, and Jobbera af Ferriga aad Domeatic Hardware. Fine Sheffield Cut lery.GilicapieacelebaAted Guna, Fiatola, Ac, Warren atraet.

New York. Jyll lm For Hale. LIKELY NEGRO MAN. extra field hand, atont, healthy and nae diepoeed In every respect. Will be war a appucaoon oe made Immediately.

Apply to 1 New Levee and is Fulton rtreet. Notice. AN advertiaemeBt appeared in wveral of the mornioc papeia. informins the public b.t Mr. OIFKNEY bad Rnred front tbe firm af 61FFNEY, NEVILLE A and that tbe copartner.

hip ceMed from that date. Aa Mr Giffoey ia now taking a tour on tbe Continent of Eoip. after having involved tbe firm to a conndera we aeaoant on hia private account, I take thi. mode of aatifyiag tbe public that he will be neid naponaibie ahouid ba man to tin United State. Jyll JCLTAN NEVTLLE WW.

WORTHTS6TOV5 NOTE, dated Irt Julv. lass, at Point Mia, and one I i lMh Naveaiber. 1H66. favor of and endoraed by Wani. Sounder.

a fqr aioya I a. The penou finding it win receive a I reward by leaving it at Meatra. WARD. SAUNDERS A HTNT'S I no Oravier tr Jyon reet. Notice.

HE public, and particularly tbe debtor, of the firm of TOOD A Na. Mo Canal atreet. are hereby c.u ad not to pay any anonir. to J. P.

TODO.Iateamemher that arm, for account tbrreof. aa be ia not authorized la Collect tor the firm nor aae ita name. Any moaiea paid ta krjn will not be acknowledged nor any transaction, of hia on arcoant of aaid firm by the andeingned. A Uoaidatar will aooa appointed, woo will aettle the af tba ranartneiahiB lately existing between tbe aarWialan.d and wad Todd Ta public lo" notified that the notice publiabed aaid Todd that he alone waa authorized to uae the Twa law nut ne alone waa aatnonz aae af the firm and ihtuioate it. anaira.

i. and tfeat toe nminr of Ue firm thereto a. Jyz WM i fiuae and on rta ia nnauibor M. H. FISK.

TPawa Chriatiaa FeaaaJe aa tit ate. BX preaewt aeamoa of thia Inatknrjon will cloae aa tbe fteh mi JbIv k. k. IA fOrtabn. The" R.

Prot SiU. for aeveral yeara the of the Holly peine Female Inui nte. will be rd with the uHieiiher. ud will raodnct tbe de at af Mathematka and Modem Language. Prof a aeravaa gentleman ol long experience and kvviUMaA.AMih. an, and Painting. The aubacribrr will jTTJJart rrlationa. Teacbrra and Aaaiatanta ut every demand of lhe inetitnte and Jvv illr?" ia the Rant h. an.

Tanw OiVinr JTralt Pr.i an. fci TT aw. ABTKEIK). 16 Uovml and Swaatl natjayawp al m. LU a 1 ail AAA IUI aia) tucav aaauaa be ha.

rnrued toe wlmle of CoL the Bm.H.. icwourg Irom wucnne wiu aell oy oax. Darrct or ooaen; and win oe Zl'rwt ofth ety free or charge a large end Fruit. eoni.tiog of PEACHES. JARS.

APPtEi ORANGES, MELONS, and every' yhtbe ana. A. aale ba wiU awa aeU oa conv wwaaM IM Fraat Tree of every deacription. rea mmpptxa every 4my ANTHONT ASTREDO. 'TrT MIinAluiliCAUltnt wo awgn ui extra Bartiet ream.

ha ha. a eapply aa band Pjf 10 LIGHT HI ROD. jzimZ: ''nlitid hw te to wrotoct their Hvea and prooarty 1.1 Mkl leaving; ardwrn a ta Depot. No. MS St.

IU the St. Chariea Theatre. Wa. a dt gag. B.

Sykea aeU. 6 rocene, Proviaiona and Liquor at 10 o'clock, at Magazine atreet. D. E. Morphy Bella Groceries, Proviaioaa, aad LIT or.

at Id o'clock, at 49 Magazine atreet alao. Flour, at aamrj time and place. D. L. Shearer aeha Famiture, at 11 o'clock, at Camp atreet.

Gardner Smith aella Furniture, at 10 o'clock, at corner of Fulton and Sarapatu atreeta. Ylncent A Co. aril Foreign and American Dry Good, at 10 o'clock, at 23 Custom houac atreet, Benj. Keridig irlla Real Kitate, at li o'clock, at J. A May aeU Real Eatate, at o'clock, at Banka'e Arcade.

J. ugene Tourn telle Real Ertate, at 12 Banka'a Arcade. tW lea Adyertlaementa Iflautoulo. FRIENDS OF HARMON LODGE No. 58, Grand Lodge Hall, meet.

thi. evenln g. Ort d'ie 11 wa HOBAII ENCAMPMENT No. 3, Room Na 8, Odd Fel H.ll, uieeta tui. eveuing.

SPECIAL NOTICES. PORTUQCESE BENEVOLENT neral Notice. Died on Kriduy. tbe tltb at I o'clock Mr. J.

B. niicd thirty eisbt year, a native ot PruHia; and Mr CHARLES BI.Kli. aged thirty four yearn, a na'ive of Wollisliiue, department ol ram both of them member ut Society. i'be member, in eeneral are requeaed to meet at tbe hou.e. corner ol St.

Ann aud rtourbon THM AFTERNOO. at half pa.t 3 o'clock, preriarly, to attend to tbeir By order ol the Pre.iilent A Yieira: JyH JOZK T. ARANTE3, Secretary. 1. O.

O. F. Tbe aeiuiitinual ol Uie ia (irund Lodge if l.oritiinna. 1. O.

O. will be held in irn.1 Loiige Kotim, Odd 1111. corner of Lafayette and Camp un TUESDAY, the Jid In.t.. at 7fe o'clock, V. M.

THOS. H. SHIELDS, JyiO td Grand S. rretary. MERCHANTS' LUDUE No.

42, O. O. F. At a regular meeting held la.t Monday, tbe following ulhcrr. were dnly iuatalled to rv the present term, viz Wm.

H. Ellit. M. L. Graham, V.

L. B. otbier. Secretary': J. Foniln, Treawt'er.

Tin. Lodge bold. it. regular meeting, every MONDAY, in room No. 3.

Odd Hail. Brother, of Lodge, are invited to attend. I L. B. POTHIKR.

Secretary. LEVEE STEAM COTTON PRfcSS An a.lditiuual dividend of uiuc ier rent, on tne capital i. declared thi. day. payable on demand to tbe Ky order ol the Board Jyi tit F.

J. FORSTALL. Secretary. FIREMEN'S CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION The Director, of thi. Aarociation are hereby notified to nieet at the Hall of Louniana Hur Company, ou MONDAY EVENING, tbe Ulu uir, at 7.

Si o'clock, to attend tbe regular quarterly meeting. Au arut uiiiu nt of the rule, and regulation, for tne gorcrumeut of the Fire Depart uient will be acted upon. Jy JOSIAH FOLGER. Secretary. CRESCENT LODUE No.

uieeta every Ttturaoay evening, in Room No. Odd Hall. Officer 8. L. Butler.

N. G. E. F. L'Hoate, V.G.: Geo.

Seymour, Secretary; F. X. Barbot, Treaaurer; L. N. Jabau, Per.

Secretary. SCKEWMEN'8 BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION Jamea Douxlaa, Preiirlent; Thorn a. Iugntiam. Firat Vice Preident: Cb.a CroMman, Serond Vice President John Spencer, Recordiug Secretary; John Haakinaon. Financial Secretary; Henry Bier.

Treaaurer. Regular meeting, every Monday, at p. M. at their Bail, corner Croarman aod Front Levee atreet. myis'ftrt ly ORLEANS LODUE No 11, I.

O. O. At a regular meeting held last Tuesday tbe following nffirera were duly initalled to aerve tbe present term, viz: J. H. Webb, N.o.; Allen.

V. J. H. Tencey, Secretary; N. J.

Hoey, Treaaurer. Tbi. Lodge hold, rt regular meeting every TCESDAY EVENINU. lu Room No. 1, Odd Bali.

Brotbera of lodge, are invited to attend Jyft J. II TENNEY. Secretary. O. O.

F. lhe R. W'. Cirand Encamrment ot Louisiana. I.

O. will meet in aemi ar.nual erosion on TUESDAY EVENING, 1Mb in.t., in tbe Oraud Lodge Hail, corner of l.afayette and Camp at balf past 7 o'clock. By order ol tbe Grand Patriarch. Jy; td AS. FL'RNE A CX.

Grand Scribe. Union Bank of Louisiana, New Orleans, let July At a meeting of the Board of Director held thi. day. a dividend was declared of hve payable to holder, on and after tbe 10th in.t, aud prorata on tbe increased capital paid in. Jyl lit GEO.


ATTENTION. JL The orbcera and member, of tbi. Company are re quested to attend drill, on WEDNESDAY EVEN III 1NGS, July tbaud at a o'clock precisely. Every member i. requestd to be in attendance punctually.

Ry order of tbe Camain Jy7 H. W. W. RETNOLD9. Secretary.

REMOVAL REMOVAL JOHN C. STEWART ba removed bia otfice from No. Gmvier atreet to tbe Coal Yard. No. 77 Cuatomhouae atreet, one door from the corner of Rojal.

Jyo 1 EMOVAL We have removed from 40 to 46 Caronde let atreet. where we will give our attention to aale. ot Cotton and Sugar. ANDERSON A METCALF. IEMOVaL.

THOMAS DOUGLASS, sole agent for IX Bee Brace. Commiaaion Merrbaut. Importer. Main facturer and Wholesale Dealer in every description of American Hardware, b3 Bee a man atreet. New z'ora.

III a EMOVAL J. F. ALLEN, Steamboat Agent, oa rej moved from No. 67 Tchoopitoulaa a reet to 'No. 16 Povdraa atreet.

corner Commercial at. Fa tf T1 EMOVAL J. ASH BRIDGE A CO. have removed IV from No. 6 St.

Chariea to No. 10 Cummon atreet, ander tbe Gaa Office. NOTICE. Mr. EDGARD MARIN become, a partner in our bouse, thia day.

J. li. CARTER A CO. New Orlean. July I.

Iaw. Jyl lm Law Notice. TH undersigned are associated in the practice of their profession. Olfice 44 Exchange Place. A.

GRAILHE, JelO lm C. DUNCAN. IEsSKS RUGELY. BLAIR A CO. hold our power of attorney during our ahaence from tbe city.

JOHN F. WICUC A CO. July 8. issfi. Jyo i A Notice.

MB. JCLES LE MORE, of thia city. Bold, my power of attorney, aa per act passed before P. Tliear.l. notary public, oa the S7th inat, ED.

GACTHERIN. New Orleana. June sV.iafta, Je JP Aston iti ace Seminary for Vang Rev. B.I. HUNTINGTON.

A. rnncipal. THIS school baa been in successful operation for nine yeara, and baa long been recommended for a combination of advautagea. physical, mental and religiose, uch aa few similar iD.tirution.can present." It wvi commence iu next eon on tbe first EDNESDAY of September next, witb increased advantages, with teachers of aurh Christian character, refinement of manner, aad experience in teaching, sa place them in the first rank in tbeir proteasion. and with inch a completeness of arrangements in all reapect for tfe comfort and iniprnvrment of aa I.

believed to be hardly equaled in thi. country. SITUATION Aston Ridge it in Delaware county. IS miles southwest from Philadelphia, and accessible by railroad aeveral time a day. It i five mile, west of the station on tbe road to Baltimore, and one and a half mile, east from the Rockdale station on the new road from Philadelphia to Wr.trbe.ter.

PHYSICAL ADVANTAGES The situation ia very elevated, commanding a prospect of thirty milea. and ia remarkable for bealtuiuea. and beauty of tcenery. Ita advantage, over a city location are very obvious and Ina portvnt. "Here." says a parent, "the cherks acquire a bloom and tbe frame a vigor." No case of serious illness baa ever occurred, and every pupil, without exception, has improved in health.

The grounds and extensive Iswns. adorned with walks, arbors, abrubbery and shade tree, alford a wide range for unrestrained exercise tbe mountain air and fine errnery impart cheerfulnesa of The retirement secures the pupils from unfavorable intiu encea.andtne limiied number and fami baeacter of the school, afford them tbe many comforts and advantages of a quiet christian borne. i REGULATIONS "The law of the boose." eay a patron, "is tbe law of love and kindliest happily aiuiin luerei" Each teacher baa the entire charge of a certain number of pupils in all things connected with bealtb. comfort and improvement and tbe attic limitation of admissions to forty, witb five teachers, aecurea to each puMl a Urge share of attention. THE BUILDINGS combine beauty af architecture with ample accommodation and modern convenience of bath rooma, furnaces, spring water on every Boor, terrace, verandan.

sc. Ac Tbe sleeping rooms sre eommedious. well ventilated, handsomely furnished and confined to two or three occupant a conservatory connecta the library and parlor, and all tbe internal arrangements of tbe hjusboU are accordant with refined associations, and conducive to renned tates and habit, among te THE co*ckSE OF STUDY, aided by erturea and apparatus, comprise all tbe brancbea nf a tboroogb EneUsh du.ation. togetber with the Latin azd French Laav guages. Music and Drawing.

It completion ia optional wttti parents, and ta certiieo be a dipioma. The French Language is spoken by tbe principal. Mm. Huntington baa bad the advantage of nine yeara' residence in Paris. The religion, influenar fax been spoken of by clergymen, parent, and pupil, in such term af the following: The church may be tnaukful forsnco school.

evar hail I forget tbe impression. 1 have receivtd there at family wor.bip Tbe and heart cf pupiia bear fimtaof admuable Christian training Sound evangeli cal in.trueaioc. and a healthful religious inttoence are brought to bear direct iy on tbe forming character of tbe pupils." Tbe ouri attnd Episcopal services at tbe seminary, un.esa else bere direct ert by parents. Acre, in one boor and a half, via Media and Rockdale, from Eighteenth and Market atreeta. Philadelphia seven teen mi es to tbe Rrrkdale station, and one mile and a balf east from to ence.

by carriage or stage or. in wo and a half boor, via Cheater, from Prime and Broad atreeta. Philadelphia IS miea to Chest ex, and miles west from tbence by carriage or stare. Term per session nf five months For Board and Tuition, Music. Lai in.

French and Drawing, each tii: incidental, extra. To those who prefer a stated ram for every thing. Including the use of school books, beet music and drawing material, leaving no extra charge of any deacription whatever. tV) per seauon The si aai'im commence on tbe first Wednesday ia Sep tember and February. Vacations in July and August.

References Tbe school ia atrongty recommended by parents and evangelical clergymen af the Epiaropal and other churches in nearlv every State, whose name, with all other info uiatioo, will be furnished oa application to tbe Principal. Address, la Rev. B. S. HU5TIN Village Green Post Office.

Delaware county. Pa. Dlra. Turner Ida Canal atreet, HAVING extensive seders in France, will be prepared to oner to tbe ladies, in the fall, an anusnslly large and attractive toek of 6ood. In PARIS MILLINERY.

BONNETS, RIBBONS, LOWER8. FEATHERS AND HEAD DRESSES; CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS is the prevailing style and fssbiow and Embroideries, direct from manufacterera in Nancy. In thia department there will be mnca novelty. ieM toi adp Jkm TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. Kan away from Gov.

Roman's plantation, ia the parish fiAnf St Saturday night but, tbe Stb of J) Jane, tbe yellow boy AN FIELD. He hi from S6 Jml to SO year, of 6 feet 6 inches high, rather asiy fac, aad walks with a umping gait; apeak Engiiah and French, and la well known ia tbe city, where he haa alwaya Bved except for tb last tnree yeara baa been purchased from the estate of tne late Widow Dominique t.y. Tne shove menrhmsd reward, twenty five dsllars, will be naid for hia arreat and lodsment in aavaf IMrirr jails, sppUcatioci to itoaiar a Jy Jtawlaa Fmat Levee. Jf, TWENTY FIVE 1KLLARS REWARD Ran away. a the morning of tne oth tne sears ajwaaatv MATILDA.

She is aba feet knehes 4 iwJhigb, soat bwtlt, dark gnfTe, having as, frswt mmd acaraa tbe right Jaw aged aooa. year. The aaova reward will be paid fiar hex apia ssiaa sad delivery to any of the lair. CAJLLES A. GOASCCH.

AUCTION SALES. Urocerien, Prorfsloas and lilqaors. I E. MORPHY Will be sold at a action Jj SATDRDAY, Isth at HI o'clock, at Magazine sweet 100 kegs White Zinc; 4 case. Manilla Indigo; 75 b.aket.

Sweet Oil sacks Csfl'ee boxes Claret 15 casks Bacon lrki baxe. Snap tierces Bice Brandy. Gin, hiakey. Fort Wine, Cigars, Matches. Black aud Green Tea, Che ease, ToHarcn.

c. Jyis tsraeeries, FrovUlons and lilsnora. TY R. B. SYRES.

Auctioneer Will be sold at auction 1 on SATURDAY, tbe utb at 10 o'clock, at his ancrion nore, ni sgaunc iimir ItO bag Bio Codec so bile. Crashed Sog.r lu casks Bacon Shoulders; 8S baskets Champagne; 1 SO case. Tumbler, assorted lew baskets Olive Oil; 1M pkga. Raisins; mi roil. Grass Rope 60 boxes Tobacco Brandv.

Gin. Whiskey. Soan. Lolwter. a ackerel: alao, a lot of Tinware, consisting of Water Pota, Roasters, Darning uoa.

iueeae ic Ahra, for scconnt of whom it may concern 3 bales India Bagging. JyH Kiireim and American llrv g.oods. TIT VINCENT A Auctioueera Will be on JJ SATURDAY, the IJi li at IU o'clock, at tbeir tore. Io. 45 Customhouse A general assortment of Foreigu and Ametican Dry tiai.ting iu part af Bleached aud Brown White inen Oiiila.

Print. bite Muslin and Jaconets, and Embroidered Chemisettes, Collars and Capes, c. Jy llaiungeil (JenuineladraH llnndkerrhiefs VINCENT A CO. Will he sold at auction on Jj SATURDAY, at 10 o'clock, at their suction rooms. 26 Customhouse street, far account of wuoni ic may concern No I.

one tmnk genuine Colored Madras No. i. MtinruMie arrived in and damaged on board Western Chief on voy age frrin Liverpool Jyl Fui nilu Furuiture. D. L.

SHEARER R. M. Montgomery, Anctianeer. Will be sold at aoction on SATURDAY, at 11 o'clock, at tbe Old Auction Mart, 87 Camp street A large and general sj sort merit of new and second band Furniture, comprising Mahngnny and Walnut Bedsteads, Armoir. Bureaus.

Wsshstamls, fe'ofaa. Centre, Card. Pier and Dining Spring Seat Mahogany Chairs. Kockeraand Ea.y Chairs, Curtains. Carpet.

Looking Glasses, Cooking Stoves, Kitchen Furniture, Ac Also Second band Piano Fortes, ri" Terms Cash. Jyll Flour Flour. BY D. E. MORPHY.

Auctioneer Will be sold at aac Mun on SATURDAY, 12th at lu o'clock, at Magaziue it reet 40 bbla. Flour. SaT Terms Cash. Jy'l New furniture. BY GARDNER H.M1TH.

Auctioneer Office. Commercial Place Will be at auction on SATURDAY, the lithinat at 10 o'clock, at the corner of Ful ton and Sarapara Fine Mahogany Secre'B Sofa, Burr au. Knckiog and Parlor Chairs. Mirror, CarptU, Matting, Uug. Ac.

UmT Tenr.i Caan. J11 UrirK Store in the Fourth IHMriol. It EUGENE TOUKNE VS ill be sold at run ion on SaTUoIDAY, li o'clock, at Banks Ar CA CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, aituated in tbe Fourth District ol Uii. city, iu the square bounned by Levee, or Tciioupitoulas, Third aud Fourth street, and tbe Levee or public landing, designated a Lot measuring American measure feet 11 inches 6 line, front on Levee or Tcboupitoula street, by t.4 feet inches 3 lines on one ride, feet 10 inches 6 Hues In width in tbe rear, together with a biirk bouse one and a half atory high, witb kitchen and outbouae ia now occupied aa a grocery tore aud dwelling bouse. Terma The purchaser will assume the payment of a mortgage note of due In August next; the balance at one year's credit for note bearing mortgage on tne property and per refit, interest per annu from day of ale.

Art of sale before Tboa. J. Beck, notary public, at the expense of the purchaser. Jyl A Pohitive and Unreserved Pnlc, without limit, in consequence of departure, of valuable improved property in the Fourth District. BY BENJAMIN REN DIG.

Auctioneer Office, no. 33 Camp street Wi'i be sold at auction on SATURDAY, the Hth Jul v. 1 o'clock, at Ranks'. Arcade A CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND, with ail the improvement, thereon, iu tbe Fourth Distrirt. in the square No.

1. which ia bounded by Fourlb. Bacchus. Third aud Dryadee atreets, aud measures feet front on Bacchus street, by I'O leet in depth, between parallel line, and front on Third Tbe improvement, on portion of ground comprise a one story Frame House, containing two room, fronting on Bscchu. street, with kitchen, cistern, chicken house, and other ueceaury outbuilnir.g.

in the yard a onestory frame House, corner of Tbir.t mid Bacchus, containing one large room in front, used ss a grocery store, and four room, in tbe rear, large ostein, double kitchen, chicken house and other necessary outbuilding, in the yard. Also, two small frame Cottage House, fronting on Third rtreet. with kitchen, ciatern. aud other necessary outbuildiug in the yard; all aa per p'an. Tbe building, are in.ured for up to February next.

The property rent for goo per month. Term. The purchaser to assume tbr payment of a mortgage note bearing date the ki March. IKT.A, and payable two year after date, fur the autn of S7a.v with per cent, interest Irom dote to maturity. The ba'ance one Lalf cash, remainder at twelve month credit for note bearing mortgage on tbe property with ti per ecu, interest from date to maturity, and if not then paid 8 per ceut onlil final payment.

Act of aate before A. Mazurean, notary public, at the expense of tbe purchaser. Jys Kice Hire. BY D. E.

MORPHY, Auctioneer WiU be sold at suction on MONDAY. 14th Inst at lu o'clock, at No. VI Magazine arret to close aalea 40 casks prime fresh Rice. taTTerms Cash Jvli Last Auction oale at 3t Camp street Fia Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry, Fancy fiooda.

Ac. BY UARDNER SMITH. Auctioneer Office Noncommercial Place Will be sold at auction on MONDAY, tbe 14th lost 10 o'clock, at No. 6b Camo street Tbe articles will be sold singly, sa that sll msy have sn opportunity of Iqrni.hirg themselves with choice goods by auction. asT Term Caen.

6f Gaods purchased and not called for tbia day, Saturday, lstb lnar. .) will be sold oa Monday for account tbe irroer purchasers. JyU "ncrri(ioB of John BY R. M. MONTGOMERY.

Auctioneer Will be sold on TUESDAY, tbe a tib at II o'clock, at tbe old Aoction Mart. S7 Camp atreet. by virtue of an order from the honorable the Second Distrin Court of New Orleans, dated New Orleans. July a. laM A lot Hontehold Famiture and one Buggy, belonging to saidVucceaion Terms Cash.

Jyll 1 21 4 Mlnrrrsaiea de John riA M. MONTGOMERY. Encanteur II sera vendu ie JEUYJI. .4 Jui'let. all bure du matin, en vieux entrepot d'encau.

rue du Camp, No. K7, en verto d'un nrdre de l'hnnorabie le Deuxteme Cour de District, de la Nouvelle Orlean. date le Juiller, liiM Un aasortiment de meableaet un buggy, appartenant a la dite auccer.ion. WmT Ttrme Comptant. Jyll 16 SI Mt itletalrle Association Kaces.

Tbe Winter Meeting win commence on the firat SAT URDAY in January. 18.V7. over tbe Metairie near the "ntv New Orleans, with a sweepstake for Three year old; beets one mile; aubacrip tion forfeit gl'ii. Same day. Similar Stakes beats, two miles.

On tbe TUESDAY following tbe first Saturday in January, 18.7 Jockey Clnh Purse ean) heat, three mile. WEDNESDAY Sweepstake for tw year old; anb acriptioo 3ii forfeit loo heata, one mile. Same day. Jockey Club Purse no heata. two milea THURSDAY Single beat of two miles; Purse Sstne day.

Purse S3d; one mile. FRIDAY Jockey Club Furae jut; heats, three best or five, one mile. SATURDAY Jockey Club Forte tl.XB; heats four mile. Entrance money, five per cent, on tbe amount of purse, to go to the second horse. Should there be no second borse, tbe entrance money will go witb the purse.

No deduction from the parses in case of a walk over. Tbe sweepstake, will close on tbe firat of September. ISVi. Three tubarriber will fill a stake. Nomination.

mt be addreased to 8IDNEY STORY. New Orleans All tbe above rare, will be governed by the rule and regulation of tbe Metairie Jockey Club. W. J. MINOR.

Jyl lit Cbateman rx nitivc Committee. Proprietor' Fnrses. On the first SUNDAY after the Jockey Races, over the Metairie Courae. near New Orleani, the proprietor will offer TWO PURSES to be run for. FIRST RACE Heata ane mile Purse KKX SECOND RACE Heat two mile Purse 3ro.

To be ran under the rale and ree ulationa of tbe Jockey Club, but free only for con winners during the wcea. jyi iit Trnieaiee Kirhame. CHECKS on Banks at Maabville and Memphis, for sale by A Jvv lm corner St. Charles and Perdidost. tlTE.

tbe undersigned proprietor and leasees of Cotton Presses nf New Orieaaa. hereby agree to the following Tariff of Charge upon Cotton, ta ne received and shipped by us. at our respective Presses, commencing 1st day of September, ine. to 1st Seotemner, l7 I. Charge to Factor and Receivers of Cotton.

Draysge from any landing within tbe port, storage, labor in pilir.g and deliver 20c per bale. For each Dale of cotton rejected out of a list turned out for selection, that may be necessary to ic store or repue, an additional charge of To replace iron hoops with ropes 6c per bale. 6c. per rope. Actual expenses on all colt on in unmercuaut able order, rrpaii.

be cbsrgcd. a. Cbargea so Snippers of Cotton Con.prea.ed. All cotton oruered to oe compressed within three days of the day it ia weighed or transferred by brok rs.Oee of charges, if the ihip ia ready otherwise to pay for I piling or heading op 6c per bale. All cotton not ordered ta be compressed and shipped within tbe above mentioned time, to pay atorage per month 10c per bale.

Aad for labor on delivery fc per bale. 3. Cnarges to Shipper of nrora pressed Cotton. Storage per month lsc per bale. Labor for housing and piling 6c.

per bale. Laoor in turning out on delivery fcc per bale. 4. All Cotton changing Ownrrship to be charged anew. Storage.

compressed on delivery, per month Ie per bale. if on delivery, per month anc per bale. 5. A uniform charge of fifteen 15) centa per bale for dray age shall be made to shipper, nf compressed cotton, and twenty (aO; centa per bale, and repair oa cotton shipped uncompressed. All toe fore going cbargea payable monthly.

It is likewise agreed, that a charge of fifteen (16) centa per oale be made for the nae of the yard, for c'assinc aad marking to purchasers of cotton, on all cotton moved to aav other Pre, for compearing, not a party to this ar rangemeut. Signed. FRERET BROS. Levee Sleam Cotton Press. L.

LB BEAU, President, La. and Factors' Presses UASKINS. per Parker A Heyaeod. TJnloo PETtX RODES, Shippers' aad ai'ta' Preaaea BELL A BOYD. OrUao Press PASSMAN A ANCT.

Planters' Press ROBT ABATT A CO. Canal street Press j. C. VAN W1CKJLE A CO. Mississippi.

Commercial aad Branch Presses BARNES. STANLEY CO. New Press 1G. SZKYM AN SKY. Ala.

and Bramah Presses SIMMONS. Mew Oriesns. taSti. Je4 I aa XCUANGE OS Hew tore, v. in cm nan.

Waahingtoa, Louisville. Balumsea, Sc. Louis, Richmond, Chicaga, Charleston, Austin. Texa. Mobiie.

San Antonio, Texas, Nali be, atfe. Formic try JODSOI Banker. iyia as ly ear. Canal aad Camp New Oris. Kloriaa Yellow ftee Laaaher.

TAfCasSoVe. tp, corser as tiswara i Teiaaw Phs dreased. tsagwed aasd siowvsd lis in ana 11 Ftooeing Sqaars Jesnt Flawrtoc. Dnaai I CaUaui and Weather Board. AJso, Roagb Inch Boards, Weather Beaaws, Jsesbt.

aW aaenl Saortrat of 1 YeilowPha Lambec BY BEARD Desirable Building Lot an ilea ton atreet. Fust Iistrict. BY J. A. BEARD A MAY J.

A. Beard, Auctioneer. Will be sold at auction on SATURDAY, July li, id66, at 12 a'clork. at Banka'a Arcade A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, in the square bound ed by. Clio, Erato, Liberty and Benton atreeta.

measuring RmLh street, bv 112 feet In depth, between parallel lines, bring Lot No. 6 oa tbe original plan af 01 a unset nne, uj. Terms One third cash ba'ance st one and two years' credit for notes, bearing mortgafe, with per cent, interest from date. Act of sale before T. O.

Stark, notary puhHc. JylQ Without xtenerve. Desirable One Story Dwelling on Bienville street, between Tonti snd Kochebiave. BY J. A.

BEARD A MAY J. A. Beard, Auctioneer, Will be sold at auction on SATURDAY, July lMth, laid, at IS o'clock, in tbe Rotunda of the St. Louia Exchange, on 8t Louis street TWO LOTS OF GROUND, with tbe building and Im provements thereon, situated in tbe Second District of tuis city, in tne square oounaea oy tfienviMe, iuaioin house, Tonti and Rocbeblave atreeta. Said lota measure each a feet front on Bienville street, by a depth of 11 feet between parallel lines, bounded in the rear by au alley IS leet wide, Tbe improvement, comprise well built one stoty frame Dweiliug containing two rooma, aud two atory Kitcheu.

rocfed aud all new for leu horses two large cisterns aud a well yard all paved with bricks. Terms One third cash; balance at one and two years' credit, bea'iog r. per cent, per annum interest, and secured by mortgage. Improvements to be kept insured ud policy transferred to vendor until the first note is paid. Art of before Wm.

Shannon, notary public, at the expense of the purchaser Jyo piicceioo of fJnleh J. Pratt. BY J. A. BEAKD A MAY.

J. A Beard. Auctioneer Will be aoid at auction, on SATURDAY, July in leoo, at i i o'clock, at Arcade. Magazine street, in the city of New Orleana. by aud in pursuance of an order of tbe Hon P.

H. Morgan, Jodge of the Second District Court of New Orleans, dared June 17, Inoti. tbe fnlluwing described property belonging to the succession of tbe late Galen J. viz A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situated in the Faubourg Livatdaia, Fuurth District of this being No 1J of square No.

90, bounded by Fulton, Sixth aud Cblpprwa aud Washington Ajrenue, which said lot nire.urr. to feet front ou (aid Fulton by a depth of 1 in feet 111 inches. Term. One balf rash, ani the balance at one year's credit in note seenred by mortgage on tbe property aud bearing 8 per cent, iurere.t from maturity till paid. Art of wile before Wm.

L. Poole, notary public, at the expen'e of the purchaser. JelO lMTgt) Sale of Hunk rStorkx, By Order of Court, at the ri.k and peril of William II. we. tbe former purchaser.

TJT J. A. BEARD A MAY J. A. Beard, Anctlonevr X) Will be sold at anciion on FRIDAY.

July IH. itUM, at Is o'clock at Banks Arcade, on Magazine street, in the city of New Orleans, by and in purauanre of an order of the Hon. P. H. Morgan.

Judge of the Second District Court of New Orleans, dated June 3, Ifjw, the following Bank Slock. belongit'g tn tbe succession of John L. deceased Bank Stork, being at the ri.k and rilnf Have. Harris, who torompiy with the terma nf adjudication made uurirr ord. of the Second IH.ttict Court of New on the I Mo of ay list, to wit 411 St are.

of the Capital Stork of the Bank of Louisiana; 700 Shares of tbe Capital Stock of tbe Louisiana State Bank. KW Terms Cash on the Jyfi 1 17 1 WANTS. WANTED A Woman co*k. either white or colored, to mo to Biloxi. one that understand ber business: no other need apply.

Apply at No. to Poydraa street. oelo'e no i loca lousy. jy ANTED An experienced business man. fully accli mated, and speaking Franco fluently, is desirous of forming an engagement witb a respectable commercial bouse; is fully competent to take charge of tbe whoje business, books and correspondence, and can furnish ui: doubted referrnrea a.

to character and ability. Would form a copartnrnbip with some reapouaibie psr: for tbe eatabUahnient lof a renersl commission aud importing bou oris. Address Box MS. Post office. Jym WANTED Mi3lltK Four good inisuer.

lor tbe Virk.burg Fonrdry. Apply to BREWSTER A ZACnARIE. Jyll tf 7 35 Frout and 3n Fulton New Orleana. WANTED A Residence suitable for a family, iu tbe Firat or Fourth Di.trict. Kent not to exceed per mouth.

A large yard with small garden attached preferred. Address Box No. 66, Post Office, New Orleans. J'l 3t WA.Mtll A Boy.fio or 1J yea', uta. to lesiu tne brasa fotiudry btisiursa.

An American preferred. Annlv to II OUlI.U. St Chariea atreet tutrauce to nop on St. Mary street. Jyll 3t WANTED A situation aa Seaui.tress or as Housekeeper, or to take charge of a ch'ld, by a young wo man she has no objection to go in the country', and can give good city references.

Address A at this office. Jy 3t UrANTED A situsiion by a youue man. a reiident of the citv. and wbo can rive reference. Ao out door situation preferred.

Address M. this office. Jy7 tf? WANTED To hire for a family, a negro woman, good cook, waaher and iruner. Addres at thia office JyT e.t WANTED One or two OrUcea to care and attend to. in the absence of tbe proprietors during their leaving bere for the summer, by a man fully competent to correspond, and wbo will be found careful and atteutive.

Can give tbe Pest references and security if required. Address rare of Mr. Hedirea. Picayune office, or Mr. Graham.

Commercial Bulletin office. Jyrt 3t ANTED TO HIRE 60 stout able Nerro Laborers, ta work on the anueralructnre of tbe New Orleana. Jackson and Great Northern Railroad, north of tbe line of tbe State of Louisiana, in a healthy piny wood country. Employment will be given foe the summer, or balance of tbe year. Apply to McKLEKOY A BRADFORD.

No. 4 Caroudelet street, or to the subscriber, on tbe line of road, near O.yka. niyy tf JAMES L. GRANT GARDEN James corner al Carondelet and Juba atreeta, GARDENf.R AND FLOB.IVT. Every variety of Ornamental Plant.

Rose. Shrub bery and Fruit Treea: a large variety of Shade Tree, comprising Magnoba. Tallow Trees, China. Ath, Oak and Locust; 7.0U0 Rhubarb and Straw Berry Plant. Just un ported.

Gardens laid out snd plant furnished oa the most reasonable terma. tr AM orders pnoctnally attended to. JaW em Landreth's Warranted (warden Need. jBAfA Cuitonien preferring tSoae Seed, can be aupptied aasav witb tbem in ny quantity. Persons wishing to take aSaa shrubbery witb tbem may depend on its being wel.

packed, fit to be takes any distance by water or land. H. HAFNER. Seed Store and Plant Depot, 13 St. Charles myi im between City Hall and Poydraa.

To Hire, rp WO able bodied NEGRO MEN. App'y a I tera' Cotton Preaa. between 8 and 10 A. M. at tbe Plan Jy 3t W.

H. CLIFFORD. Dos for Male. Two large black Engtiab Setters Two highly bred English Pointers; Two Scotch Terriers. For sale on board British ahip SHistri.

Jyo 3t Kosewood and Makogany, THE subscribers wonld inform tbe cabinet mamifacta rers, oiano foite makers, and others of thi. city snd vicinity, that tbey have opened a yard withsuitsble buiH ings No. 370 Washington street, in the city of New vck. where tbev have on band a larre and erv auperior of tbe finest wood to be found in the United States. We offer feet fine and extra fine Rosewood Yenrer.

sn.ono mottl. Mahogany Veneers. Mahogany Shaded Veneers. 40.UU plain rH.out) Mahogany Crotch Veneers, vsrious sizes, os.uoo fine Drawbutt Veneers Su.onil extra fine 2so feet fine Blistered Figured Walnut Veneers. 4U.OUO mottled r) rxu Walnut Crotch Veneers, draw butt aires 54.10O various Jo.ns fine and extra fine Satin Wood Veneers.

Zebra eneera. 47.) Curled and Birdseye Maple Veneer. 77,000 Seasoned Rotewood. Mahogany and Satin Wood Boards Plank and Joiat of all thickness Piano and Caoinct Mouldings. 76u different patterns, all at verv low nrices and uoon as favorable ternul aa any other establishment in tbe country.

Orders will be tilled with the utmost csre snd h. HAHLS ItLUtUHBI, 370 Waahington street, between Beach and North Moore atreeta. Jyo fim New York city. A steward of Twenty Dollars Y7TLL be paid for information of THREE BARRELS MOLASSKS. branded on lea i color beada "uear bouae Molaasea.

Ueo. Trntant. Leigbtou stolen or taken by mistake between tbe hours of II A. M. snd 4 P.

on 7th from tbe sogar levee, near the Wharfinger office. Jy tf! BABELLI A Common t. Boots, Shoes and Broffana, At Wholevale. a Now Isnding from snip Norfolk, and ia store, aTrfl a general assortment of BOOTS. SHOES.

BRO irt II HATS. CAPS. Ac Pisntatiou plied with prime DITCHING BOOT. RUS aSET ROaTS. BROGANS.

WOOL. MEXICAN. PALM LEAF. STRAW and CAM PEACHY HATS, at the lowest market ire. ri VIa.

LAra, arc, a vi are constantly rcc. iviug a general aii.rtment of Silk. Fur. Cuaaimere. Panama, Leghorn, Straw, Palm Leaf.

Mexican and Wool HATS, at the LOWEST MARK PRICES. 'S Sdply IKOST 1" Magazine r. The North America irliils. NEW YORK Are constantly an ufacruring SPLIT PEAS. FROM selected Canadian Grain, and sre prepared to aopelv the Trade and Shippers with an article marta auperior to any be re to fore osTered in this market, parked in bamaaadhauf bsrreat, la prime abipping order.

Apply ta SNIFFEN rs aaa iw rrnmiuiii. are lev Notice. CEDAR CEDAR. tRl SerslsTjed are now receivtn aad yardhsc. tbeir vara, a larse assortment of RED CEDAR, aattv sbl le for abpping snd bedhling parposca, aad sre prepared to furnish builder, with any ansntity, cut to order, st the shortest notice.

We have sow some Twenty TDooanna RAILROAD TIES for sale. A large lot of BOAT PLAN H. so it ante for foundation or Booring warehouse. All orders left in our box, N. 36 Mechanics' Exchmnaxv No.

1 St, Chariea street, or sent to tne olfice. Tehoupttoulaa street. between Second ana xnira mil i is. iBtnainana, wiu vt promptly attended to. aania am co*ck RILL CARTER.

lm Haw St. I.aals. The Grocery and Dry Good Store of MANUEL MUN 12 enwoM TJ crowd of customers, wno have nearly cleared hia I I All ih. sa 1 which he Istelv imoorted from i the Narth. whether it ia in consecoence of the extremely low prices at which he sells, or the nomina Uoa or Millaro ill more he rresioent.

it uimcmi i mmj. gT He baa just received further importation from Europe and tbe East. Jy dt IJrisrilAS llilla. WM. CELEBRATED FLOUR AND CORN aa I invtte the attention of olanters and others ia arent Wo, nf Mills for sriBdine earn or wheat to those we have la atore of Waa.

Badger a celebrated Memphis manufac tore. 'i hey are of tne neat rreacs aarr Btooe, ana owiniaca hi the mast workmanlike manner, being simple, compact asd easily Mtpt is seoer, arith tne sajderatooe. the Baaaer Sise is to SO inches sre the best adapted for horse power. axp (rona seven to eievew bushel of goad Basal per hour. "Tbe atsea S4 ts so inches are foe eteam powaz, grid Ing fiwaa twelve to thirty basbels sf aaeal see baaur.

Tbe am lie arc the pence ewr mwmam mw ymmm aia ww aa rvsminalias ariU iaamre a trial. FENNELL. BEE Aaewt. (O ssssias atreet, ne fxem rosTAjUJE steam Enoink, BBSS i artiti a S7 flraviar rBjs HOTELS. Madiaonville, Lonhaans.

This desirable summer retieat. so aeneraJlv known ji: throughout the State, ia now open for the reception of visitors. Dnrina the oast winter, the nronrietar has made extensive imorovemenr and additions Large and finely ventilated epartmen'B for families and single gentlemen. Dinner parties will be served to order on the shortest notice. Tbe choicest delicacies of tbe season, togetber with the best of wines snd liquors, will be served to all patrons.

B.tb house, fishing tackle, can be bad at all times Pleasure parties, firemen. Ac, attended to at the shortest notice. Jys 8m A. H. L.

DIA8. Proprietor. Red Sweet Springs. Alle.hany Vs. These Springs are situated 18 miles east of the Greenbrier White Sulphur.

1 mile north of the Old Sweet, snd 48 milea from Bonaack'B. on the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, from which Summeraon, Kent A 5a TP; fu soPP'y of Coaches running daily, through in daylight, to this place, and to the White Sulphur Springs, having no night travel. These waters are Chalybeate, differing in their caseous and saline ingredients, varying in their temperature from 73 to 0 degrees Fahrenheit, forming two ladies' and one gentleman's Red Sweet the most exonerating and delightful Bath, in the United Statea. There is also another Bath and Spring near the hotel, precisely similar in temperature and effect, aa the Old Sweet, one mile from this, giving visitor, to this place the advantage, of the wa ters of both places Tbe waters are tonic, alterative aud aperient, suited to cases of extreme deoiiity, diarrhea of the most obstinate character; also, rheumatism, cut ane ou. ali'ectious, an i chronic diseases of the stomach, liver pleen, Ac.

(Refer to tbe various authors on the Mineral Springs of Virginia for tbe analysis There is on the premises a Reading Room, furnished with a vnriety of newspapers trum all part, of the Union. 'Also, Billiard Rooms. Ten Pin Alleys, and other ainust meuta The service, of Volandt's Baud of Music, of Baltimore, has been secured. Tbe proprietor having the to know that he hn. given aati.fnrtion heretofore to hi.

and to aus lain tbe high ol the Bed Sweet, has induced him to extern! hi. accoiiimodationa, flattering himself that his future labor, will insure a lull portion af the public patronage. There is a post offire st this place, and dally mails each way. C. BIAS, lied Sweet Springs, June 1, lSSfi.

JeM tauw Faaragosla House. Thi. establishment, so favorably known, i. alwaya open far reception of its former patrons snd tbe public at ita old prices, to wit Summer: I Winter: Per Month e.35 on Per Month tV "0 Per Week 10 oo Per Weeks 7 0S Per Day 1 15 Je4 Cull uin Springs, Choctaw County, Alabama MThe subscriber take, great pleas tire in announcing to tbe photic that tbe above delihgtful watering piare is now open for tbe reception of visitor Tbe valuable, propertiea of tbe waters of the different Spring, on tbe place being well known, a lengthy descrip tlou unneceary. Arrangements sre being msde so es bare sn Express from New Oriraia It Mobile to these in order to prevent tbe usus'.

delay of letters snd papers caused by the mails Rate of Board Per Month (40 Prr Week li Per Day Carriages are in waiting at the landing npon the arrival of the boats, to convey passengers immediately to the Springs 7 An analy.i. of the water can be hd by applying to W. B. PHILLIPS, S3 St. Cbarle.

atreet, who i. my agent in New Oi leant CHARLES CULLUM, Je3 tol Proprietor. JBstill HprinatH, Estill County, Kentucky. MTbi fine summer retreat is near the Ken turky River, surrounded by wild and romantic mountain scenery, and is one of tbe most picturesque and healthy locations in the world. It Is fifty five miles east from Lexington, and acceasibie by a fine graded rued.

Arrangementa have been made witb tbe Kentucky Stage Company for running line of daily four borse coachea from Lexington to tbe Springs, ao that passenger, leaving Louiaville or Cincinnati by tbe morning train of car wnl arrive at the Springs same evening. Tbe place is in fine condition and ia now open for tne reception of visitor. Mr. O. CHILES, my tf JOHN CHILES.

Koekbrldcjo Alum Springs. Virginia. rtiea, diaeaaea of tbe liver, af tbe akin, and of the kidnevs. bronchitis, larvnciti. obstinate ophthal mic and nervous affections, sod complaints peculiar to female.

This watering place, whose lame haa been steadily trowing for the last thirty yeara, till it now stands, as a remedial agent, without a rival, is in tbe mountains of Virginia, five mile, from the Central Badlrosd, sod twenty two mile, from tbe Natural Bridge. Passengers breakfast in Richmond, dine st Staunton, snd aup at Rockoridge Alum Springs same days before dark. This will be the schedule after the 1st of July. Tbe cars now ran west of Staunton, and the track ia being rapidly laid to Alum Springe Depot, which when completed wiil leave but five milea staging. Tbe celeorated Volandt Band of Baltimore Is engaged for the season.

The ball room, Ac, Ac, and better than all tbse, a refined, intelligent and sociable company, have contributed in past years ta render this one ot tne most attractive, as It has long been en of the most seful, of all our Virgiuia watering pi aces Pamphlets, with snaiyiia and certificates, furnished gratia on application. TRAILER a. RANDOLPH, Jyl Proprietor. Shady f.rove Hotel, Biloxi. Mrs.

J. BOSSEL bras leave to inform all those twbo intend visitiug Biloxi during tbe summer, on bu.ine or pleasure, tbat the SHADY GROVE HOTEL bas been fitted up during tbe past winter in a style tbat will compare favi rabiy with any hotel in the South, great care having been taken in tb interior ar rangemente to make it an eligible stopping place for families. The location of tbe Shady Grove Hotc is one of the moat delightful on tbe Lake Tbe table ol tbe hotel will be at all time, furniined with the best ibe marketaof New Orleans and Mobile afford and while tbe terms will be moderate, nothing will be omitted on tbe part of tbe proprietor to make ber establishment one of tbe most comfortable family hotel, in tbe South Je4 3m LiaFarge flense, New York, to 670 Broadway. This new and beautiful marble edifice ia lust rom Epleted and entirely new and magnificently furnished, ml will be orjened to the Dublin shout tbe 1st of June next The location of this House makes It very desirable for permanent or transient boarder, being in tbe moat central part of Broadway, aud in tbe immediate vicinity of all fashionable place of amusem*nt, and ia better adapted to tbe comfort of familiea tban any other house in the city, having a large number of parlors, with large aud well ventilated bedrooms attached, together with quite large number of tingle rooms for ladies and gentlemen. This bouse is to be of the first rlsxs and second to none in all it appointment.

od is to be kept npon the regular American plan, and under the personal superintendence of WILLIAM H. former proprietor of the Irving House in tbia city, alao of the Franklin House in Philadelphia. EDWEJ STONE A M. BURROUGHS. Proprietor.

New York, May JO. IM. Jel4 Florence Honse, NEW ORLEANS, Csrner of Camp street snd Lafayette Square. This pleasantly located ootei will remain open during the snmmer mont hs lor the accommodation of city and transient boarders Its healthy and airy situation is ansurpaased in thia city. mh31 6m JNO.

T. JETER. il Lenoir. BAYOU ST JOHN HALFWAY HOUSE, near tne toll gate, wui open nia rtestauraui aou oar sows for tbe reception of customers on tne ist stay. anM tf The Ocean Bprinfrs Hotel Will be opened on tbe tint day of June under tb personal attention of JOHN McDONNELL.

of 147 Common atreet. Every energy wiil be brought to bear to make tbe visitor, st home. myT tf Clarendon Hotel. corner of Eighteenth street and Fourth Avenue, If ew York, MThe undersigned beg leave to announce tbat they have taken the CLARENDON HOTEL. Reiving unon their intimate acquaintance with the business, and the interior arrangements and accommodations of the Hotel, which, in point of comfort and elegance are not surpassed, tbey hope and feel tbat they will be able to give unqualified satisfaction to tbeir numerous friends and ail who may favor them witb their patronage.

O. KERNER A J. BIRCH. Proprietors. The undersigned having disposed of hi interest in the Clarendon to Measra.

KERNER A. BIRCH, cake thi opportunity to return hi thank to hi numerous patron, and lxee great pleasure in recommending ha successor to tbeir kind regards they having had much experience in catering for the public will continue to keep np the well known reputation oi tne estaunsiimeiii. as rior in the Uniteo Statea. O. PUTNAM New York.

February, if. api 3m Carrolltoa Hotel. Thi delisbtful resort, ao convenient to the etty .,,3 only twenty minute' ride on tbe cars running AO. every half hour to and from nanng oeea tnorouan fy repaired, pointed, Ac, snd newly furnished, la sow open to pnouc pHiuuAfc Familiea or atnaie gentlemen can be accommodated with board and pleasant room, or board ouly. Car Dinner parties will be served to order oa the shortest notice.

The choicest delicacies of the season, together witb the bast Wis snd Liquors, will be served to ail patrons Jarj tf C. H. HORTON. Proprietor. Paradise Faint Hotel, Serond harf at Missianrpi Ciry.

This bue ia now open for the reception of VTrt 3 or. Persons shipping for tbia place will please re JsXBiember that It ia the aecond wharf at Mississippi City VT. TIGARDEN. Msy t. 18S6.

Barnes's Hotel 1 City. Miss, This desirable Sammer Retreat, so generally EiW knowu throughout tbe Southern Country, under the a management oi d. daa.i a aippi City, on tbe Gulf wui be opened on the First Hay OI June bhi, The many natural advautagea of thia Establishment, commanding tne nness wiei lio the pure Salt Water flowiug direct from tbe Ocean, snd paving never oeeu wuru to impress favorably tbe many Visitor from the different Southern Citie and surrounding country. Winter tbe Proorirtor has made extra Bive improve sent. sad oddites.

jSnnndS the brat tha Haa 1 fHIT I DC 1114V fcawsasaa awavn hly iigedand fitted up. aad tbe Bail Alley, put in Csrriagraand Hersescan alway be had at theshorteat hi determined to spare no ezpease tha will enable him to merit continuance of tne feneroas patronage beretosor received, aad render the atay ad hia gz ageeabie. VBUtor irons i i. Uni.l ariil kad attlia nhst wharf, in Hius stppi tny ilyccla Hotel, Old Point ComfortJ This deilghtful rammer resort, tne moat inviting en the Southern Seaboard, and. for attiaction, infa rinr is nane in tbe countrv.

convenient to tne Salt bath, and tbe many other luxuries of the tide aster region, ia broad view of Hampton Roads and the Chesapeake Raw. and with an extensive military post beside it, Has passed to the proprietosship af the undersigned, and I wui be opened lor the public reception on the I Ota day a Jane, after which date it will not be again closed. HaeaA at Old Point Comfort, at any seasoa, sw" unknown. For health, it may be said, indeed, to most seclnded watering place of the rountnQor so that tbe nntander msy feel no risk is going down to teat us t. Ael Ml Hal la going I UA mi.j utnii, this celebrated lowland retres.

DU iXWt lIolti arLOTehe ace. Mr. Joseph tLSes iu tb Sprtsga, ntle seajAp. haaMBaa ed. while bia own rapervijios i trsat be tb casalort af vaMtota.

aaul torepo aBASAiish JOS. SEGAK. Far Hsm nrlJBHTFTJL SEA SHORE RESIDENCE AT Mississim city. GT. be aoid as reasonable teriss, the rrjperty at Miasiaaippi City ahasted sext to Mr.

Bsrne's, sad wttiria tsree ninate'waik the wharf. The boos t. ssismliiins sad ha excetiewt pair. Tba fuisllai cat k. taasa at STSlsatira i For aartbra tars, sgaly JAMXJt tiARRiSON A Jt7a CrtDWhswst BtmW COEffiRCIAL.

wrrius OF THE PTCATUIfB. 1 Friday Evening, July 11, Moo. The put week has been ona of bat htUo sctlTity hi onr market generally, the stocks of our Jeadine staple, bote; too light, sad tha receipt, tc saS afford po for any sxtenslve opeation Floor is almost the only article, for which there, has ban ranch export inquiry. Cotton, it win bo seem. ha decliaed slightly, while Tobacco is held Tory firmiT and Sugar baa slightly improved.

For partculara! however, wo refer to our detailed remarks below. The weather haa been oppressively warm, but seems not to have affected the renersj health of our city, which continues excellent. The next news from Knmrw. s4n k. s.

i steamer Africa, ber appointed day of departure from sjivorpuvi uotn; tne zoux mt. COTTON Tbe Cotton marknt haa ahnan. increased degree of animation thia week, though price nave yieiuea a nine lor most qu all ties, the depression beinkT occasioned mainlv bv'an iHn i foreign freigbta, and the decline since this day week i 4 ml cuik xue zoiai sales sum up shout 5700 bales, as follows: 200 on Saturday, 1700 on Monday and Tuesday, 2000 on Wednesday, 1000 on Thursday, and 800 to day, most of which bas been for shipment to Oreat Britain. Prices bare been very irre trulur and aa before remarked, sbow a decline of about i or cent, the tendency of the market being i ill iu favor of buyers. Our quotations are now aa follows: Infrrior I Middling lnUSuii Good 7JS MiddUng Low Middling ....10 III Fair The receipts of the week are 2564 baleg'against7336 for the corresponding week last year.

The total receipts since 1st September have been beles against last year to. the aame date bales. The exports of the week embrace 16,078 bales, of which 15,1.56 to Liverpool; 127 to Bremen; S54 to Barcelona; 357 to St, Sebastian, and 84 bales to New York. The exports of the corresponding week last year were 42G6 bales, and the total export last year to date were 1,201,906 bales. STATEMENT OF COTTON.

Stork on band 1st September, 1866. bales 36.901 Arrived eince 1.75sss Arrived to day 'sua 1.7C4.36V 1.753.S62 Exported to l.T63.5j Exported today Stock on band and on ship board nat cleared 30.W7 TOBACCO The full prices naked by holders, who are influenced by the stock, small receipts, and unfavorable accounts from the West in regard to the crop, have somewhat checked operations, and up to litis morniug the sales did not exceed 1500 bhds. st full rates. To day, however, we notice sales sf nearly 700 including 617 in one lot and to one party at 14 at and 47 at 7sc 3p lb. Prices sre very firm, and we repeat our previous quotations Lugs Factory (Leaf 0 Planter.

Fine wkSloU Leaf Int to The week's receipts are 2663 bhds. against 2003 for the corresponding week last year. Total receipt since 1st September 48,222 against 46222 to same date last year. 8TATEMENT OF TOBACCO. Stock on hand 1st September, 1866 hhds.

ll.Ppo Arrived 48.M Arrived to 60. iii Exported to 43.3U9 exported to 45.399 Stock on hand and sn ship board not 14.733 SUGAR The receipts have continued on every limited scale, and prices have had still an improving tendency, especially for the medium and fair qualities. During tbe week, what with sales and resales, some 1500 to 1800 hhds. have changed hands, and the closing sales are as follows Inferior and Choice. 9 9J Common 7 I Clarified Fair to F.

F. I Extra Choice itfcoUu Week's receipts 761 hhds. Exports 16. MOLASSES The receipts have consisted mostly of the inferior and ordinary qualities, for which the demand bas been better within a day or two, and they have passed mostly into second bands at a range of 25338c for inferior and ordinary, fair to prime re boiled bringing 42S 47c gallon. Holders are now asking higher prices.

Week's receipts 976 bbls. Exports, none. FLOUR Owing to a good exporf demand and moderate receipts prices have improved during the week, and about 15,000 bbls. have found purchasers mostly at if 25 a 6 50 bbL for superfine, including to day 100 superfine at $6 40; 118 and 350 Indiana at $6 50, and 136 fine at $5 4 bbL Week's receipt 21,011 bbls. Exports 9457.

CORN The receipts of corn being light, prices have been pretty firm, and the week's sales embrace about 13,000 sacks, chiefly at though small parcels of yellow have occasionally brought 55c. 4 bushel; and yesterday the stock being almost exhausted, 1800 sacks were taken at 523.55c, and 1500 white from store at 56c 4j busbeL Week's receipts 11,913 sacks ExporU 14,629. WHEAT The receipts have met with ready sale, and during tbe week 8500 sacks have been disposed of at (1 loatl 25 for inferior and ordinary, and 1 35a $1 40 for fair to prime, including, however, 310 sacks new at $1 45 4 bushel. Within the last day or two, however, Jhere have been no receipts, and nothing done in the article. Week's receipt 6771 sacks.

Exports 19.6G3. OATS Prices went up to 52355c for St. Loots, but on Tuesdsy fell again, and 6000 to 7000 sacks were taken at 50c. bushel. Yesterday 1300 and 1600 sacks were taken at 50c, and some small Iota at Week's receipt.

6483 sacks. Exports 410. BRAN During the week 3000 to 4000 sacks have been sold at 72a 75c 41 OPUS on the Levee, the ruling rate being 75c for good lots. HAY Prices have advanced, the latest sales being 120 tona of Western, at the advanced rate of $25 ton. PORK Tbe recent advance haa caused buyers to hold back, but the market has been firm at 20 50221 bbL for uninspected Mess.

Yesterday 200 barrels State inspected were sold at $20 50 100 private inspection at $21, and 144 bbls. soft at tl9. Week's receipts 1623 bbls. Exports 919. GREEN MEATS There has been none arriving, and we know of no sales since tbat mentioned last week at 10 for clear sides in casks.

BACON The high prices have checked the demand, and the transaction, have been quite limited st about 10 Ai ai0c. for ribbed aides, 104, 3 lie. for clear, and 8 atc. 4pm for ordinary to prime shoulders. Plain hams dull at 9 II, snd csnvased to choice sugar cured at 11H alJs To day we bear of none but mere retail sales.

Week's receipts 371 casks Exports 16. BEEF Prices are still little better than nominal at tf 9 50 for prime, and $12ai5 for prime Mess and Mesa. Week's receipts none Exports 28 LARD Prices have again advanced, one lot of 1009 bbls. and tierces prime having been sold at 11,, and 150 choice at 12c, together with 300 kegs prime on Wednesday, at 13c To day kegs are retail ing st 13Hc anf barrel, st 12ic ttJ. Week's receipts 147 barrels snd 44 kegs Exports 9S5 kegs.

BUTTER AND CHEESE Western Butter has been selling slowly at 16318, and cheese would bring m. 1 BAUGINO AND ROPE Prices have ruled quite steadily at 17iai9c for Kentucky Bagging, snd India has been firm at 17S17c in large and small lots. Bale rope now retails at lOSlOH lor band spun, and 11 fjc. for fancy machine. GUNNY BAGS A speculative movement has again taken place in these articles, and 600 to 800 bales were sold on Tuesday at U.VSllc.

for good weiTht, and 12c. for some extra heavy snd on Wednesday 2300 114, mostly cash. Holders are now asking a further advance. WH! SKE With light receipts prices have been firm, and 800 to 1000 bbls. were sold at for Rectified of low and good proof, and 32333c gallon for Raw.

Yesterday, however, 370 bbls. Recti fied were taken at 30332, and 100 Raw at SJfe, and to day 100 extra Rectified at 32, snd 50 Raw at 35c 4 receipts 913 bbls. Exports 661 bbls. COFFEE The market for Rio has been rather quiet this week, and the total sales bags, at an extreme range of 9311 lie foTJnJierrJ? prime, including 500 to day at 101,311 1C on hand 24,700 bags, against 9000 Ust year. There have been no further cargoes received this week.

SALT Wo hear of no cargo sales during the week either of Liverpool or Mediterranean Salt, ex cepl of Vtren on Wednesday 12855 coarse snd 1907 fine.) at 91? sack round. WCE OSd snd ordinsry is dun at 434, but fresh beaten Carolina has been in request with aale of nearly 3ftf tierce, part to arrive, at 5c, and some STAR CANDLES We notice few limited sales during tbe week, chiefly at 26c 9 fr full weight. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Early la ue wees cms or two lot ore sold st S23321.C, but." on Tuesdsy prices fen off, and 90 bbls. were taken al3Ic. 4 gallon cash, and yesterday mt soc raiion ALLOW The last sales of City Rendered were at 9c, but holders now ask an adTanee.

ALCOHOL The last sale was at 60c for Boyle's on the Levee, box holders are now asking aa advance, EXCHANGES The rates have beea Bale better than BotninaJ aS the week Lbssb H410 percent 1 SS. Hew York aay 1 FREIGHTS A forth advaac has tstas Ucv ona ship being takes sp for Ivawpool on Monday si HL for cotwn, aad 9 Tuetdsy tmo UnUfV CATTLE MARKET. Jefferson City, Friday Evening, ji BPF ftiTrt 8 uiy II. a ud supply oi Western continued during thevwsek only of the middling uoKripuam, is tew nead or better descrlnHnaa sold at Se net,) lower deacripuc frtrWeZ! era at7J8c ft net; Lake, Attakapaa ud Texas HOGS Scarce at TSSHc. Jb net 8 HEHP An ample stock at $232 25 head.

MILCH COWS A fair supply ud good demand. Price A25355 4 head. mz. nsTvoo a rtLi xAi(XiU(os The market has oeen senva, with a good supply, at 63I3 head. MAglNE NEWS.

FICATDrtK nrrrrs Lt CLEARED YESTERDAY Schr Fanny, Thompson. PeneacoiBTTr Brig May JABIaee "oldenbo ARRIVED. Steamship Texas, Forbes, fm Vers Cms 8th Inst to Haeew Moraan Aco lrt district 10 Bark Marian. Homeward, 30 days fm PbiladeluklA ta ba, Hynaon Aco Brig Niagara. Bibber, is days fm Havana, to A Gems Aco id district Si, Scbr Sea Drift Point.

8cbr PacBoula, fm Mobile, to master Basin Schr, hernMd, ii ilaj. fm Oraud CaUiou tu JJlott district 13. T7 1 LAX A SCHOOKKKX saw BASIN. Bloom. Dailejr, fra Covinaton.

California. Powell, fin Biloxi. Deipbine. Louis, fm Pearl River. Mayflower, Kyea, fm Amite River.

Alcyon, Narcie, fm Bonfoacs. STSAMBSS. Planter. Atkinson, fm Alexander. Laurel ill.

Hooper, fm organza. Farmer. Cooper, fm Ouachita River. Florida. Hutchins.

fm Mobile. Towboat Iw the Passes towed down and to sea sth ship. Dragoon snd Robert Treat. hea te Towboat Conqueror. Brown, from the Passes towad daarai and to ae.dl,u,.bm Fosters (tbSuZ and no lien bam and brig Adam.

Uray brougUt ap schr Alpnonsine. Below Coming Un. Schr Chrysolite, dsya fat Brsooa tantiaeo. to Southmayd A Harrison EXPORTS. CARDENAS Brig May Queen 1(00 bbla corn.

PE'SAC0LA flchr Fanny 00.000 bricks. IMPORTS. PHILADELPHIA Bark Marian Assorted mdae. MOBILE Schr Pascagou la 60.000 ft luxnaer, ta oaaater GRAND CAILLOU Schr Alphoruine 6 nhdssagar A AJ Draniitoun Aco 148 bbls molasses Byrne, Vance A co 47 bales mo. Troaclair A HaydeL HAVANA Brig Magara 14 bales tobacco 10 cases cigar.

Bornio A Bro 1 case cigara 90 bale tobacco I filter tone oae Larue 7 rase, cigar. 10 do Jelly Sambola 9 cases and MXI bx. cigar Labord A Xiquea I cue do Tarda 3 do Barelll Aco do A Valla do Esprieu A Ramsgon do Duma 33 case Jelly Cavaroc loos bx sugar Gerard Aco CM do Cahuxae ro bbla molasses Moreno i Bro 9 borse. 1 box cigara Thompaan 17 bales tobacco 10 bdls cedar boarda, ordsr, RECEIPTS OK PRODUCE. MO RQ AN ZA Steamer Laurel Hill bales mos A Whiting Aco 33 bxs peaches Dick Nash IS bbls aa A t'ortier la do IT bx do, order.

ALEXANDRIA Steamer Planter eg hale rorton Heald, Maaaie Acs 36 do Freliaen, Stevenson Acs It oat McMahon 19 do McFlerov A Bradford a do McLe msre. Rayburn Aco do Miller A Forest ier IS da Nelson Aco II da Ward, Saunders A Hunt TJ do Oskey sr. Hawkins 33 do Powell A Hopkins do HI Carter Co 1 4 do Campbell A Strong da Converse co 1 da Hemingway Friediander Aco 4 do Camming. Brown A co ft do Dogan. Donovan Aco IS do McDaweu, Mill A co do Wilson, Lipscomb Acs 1 do 6 Roger Aco do Henderson, Terry Aco IS do Defray Acs II ds Wright.

Alien Aco II do Donald Aco ao hbd. sugar WAD Urqubart 39 da A Kelly Aco da Psyse A Harrison 6 do Iff bbls Bogart. Foley A Avery 66 balea wool Heald, Maaaie Aco 6 do hldea 4 do peltries do skin. Mann undriea, order Total 417 balea cotton. OUACHITA RIVER Steamer Farmer Ji cargo.

Receipts at the New Basin. COVINGTON Schr Bloom It lumber Ward Aco BILOXI Schr California JA.0U0 ft lumber Felton A I PEARL RIVER Schr Delpbins 0,000 ft lumber Carre. AMITE RIVER Schr 30 cord, wood, order. BOS FOCCA Schr Alcyon 30)00 bricks, order. Per Pontchartraln Railroad.

MOBILE Steamer Florida soo bale cotton to order do oaiiaburga Tatieton, Whiting A Tullis loo bxs peachs Cloud sundries to qertdca. CONSIGNEES. Per bark Marian, fm Philadelphia 8 Locke A Rash Aco A Aby Lobit A Cbarpantler autre Aco Sandford A Bro Shannon Lynch Aco Bad decke Acs 8 Kennedy Aco Hart Aco Shark. LStautfer Aco Nicholson atco Harris tca. A Levy A on tc hart rain UK ztocbina BL Masn Campbell Aco North.

Smedea Acs Heald. Maaaie Ac Auetiu A Ooodwin Tnatcher Oainea A Whiting Richard. Slocomb Aco Robaon A Alien A Bar riere A Bronfeau Bumslde Folger Acs If Davl A Kearney (ia Co Waterman Ac Walker Aco Magee A Kneas Bujac A Hebrard Bunnell Balliif Oaey A Hawkins DO Wilson Poole Aco Hanaell McCutrhon. Howell Ace ordsr. MEMORANDA.

Domeatic Ports. BOSTON, inly 3 Arr ship George Hal let. Gage, NOri. PASSENGERS. Per brig Niagara, fm Uarana Saml Thompson.

Isaac McKelvy. Islat of Vessels Cleared ud Hailed for New Uri Correeted lor the Dally Ftcsynne, Jaly IS, 1S66.J COAITWIII PORTS NEW TORS. Stesnuhip Phlladelpbia, Jaly Ship Mediator, Coffin eld in Ship Atlantic. Worth aid May Bbip Genoa. Penneil Junes bip WeluBgtoa, Baratow Jane 14 Bbip sanaa Craoker, Blemmer eld June st Ship Silaa Holme.

aid Jane ts Bark Tbalea, St urges eld sue Bark Frances. Watt. Jane Bark Fowler. Palmer Jaly 1 BOSTON. Snip Crimea.

Poor July Ship Franc on la. White Jane St Ship Delhi, Knapp May SO Ship Parthenon. Waahbnrn Jane Ship Warner, Thomas aid Jons Ship Inca, Hi. gin Cid Jul 17 Bbip Dirigo, Cutter eld Joss 19 Bark Delpboa, Seule cid Jaly Bark Oak Hill. Martin Jane IT Bark Marris, cid Jons le Bark 8.

rah Bridge, Ballard Jane 10 Bark Sebooia. Cootxnan eld May SO Bark Jonny Llnd, Bancs aid Jane lo Bng A Stephenson, Post aid Jan THOMASTON.fMc) Bark Livorno, Montgomery May rHUADELPHXA. Bark Hand, Ms'sbman Jsse SO Bark Brilliant, Silsbee June 7 Bark Marian. Homeward cid May At Bark Ellen Steven, Howe eld Jua Bark Fredk Lennig, Symme cid Jn IS BALTIMORE Bark Densi Kelly, Corson inly CHARLESTON. Bark Uacla Sam, Cole Jaiy roiiien posts; LIVERPOOL.

Sbip Mary A Soaan. Scott Bbip Marcia Oreenleaf, Merrymsn aid Jane Jose Lonuon. Ship Africa CARDIFF, (Wales.) Ship Malta pan. Collier Ship Merwin, Merwtn flATRC Ship Mary Ship Robert. Sbip Indian Hunter.

Mynck Sbip Mackinaw. Robinson Ship Heidelberg, Vh Ship Victorine, Mowry Ship Manilla ft xittt oii: .814 May aid May ta sld Jans a sld Msy IS aid May IV aid May If ana 1 Jane Jutl Ship Manila Altars ainAaiiAAa, hip Courier. Robinson Ship Margarette, Beel CAOLIARL Ship Jaa Titromb. Dean, via Gibraltar Martl eld Msy May Ws.ll Paper. TBE largest and beat aaaorted atock of Wall Paper la jM and SO Canal atreet, corner of Old Lev.

Jel 3 JL ii article af Crrv VV fTom oo Rennery, to 1st. t. suit pnichsers. DELOS. DUitVE BasTea sarariMs.

JtZT TT aIc. UrhL and VSIV a. bsae Buggies were BBasie iot tzua zoarmas. xnry aoaaera. a will oe aoin a i aa a I to Close tne consign men assry TODD A Canal stu L.

Tawra Baiidiaaa. to Flaaaa, Meledisas. sVe. sjcsl 1 lines at tis. a CELEBRATED MELODZOHI, 4, k.

md iamli a rLaaus, aaai Iste WSeteaels aad Retsll A rest. ra. r. wcrlein. cams SHEET MUSIC and MUSIC BOOM.

sBssdesevejT kind of MCS1CAL INSTRUMENTS sad MERCHAN DISE a asyai tf GA. BRElfJZ. of tbe raw Ins of Coxa A will give hia personal attention dnrtng, the stsag moot ha to all claims ts tss jLtrasansa, tiona iairus ed to the above ftma. All cations left with Mr. Coxe.

OS Caaap atreet, willreceiv immediate stteatl jri OTEAK ZimzVDywilBOVSZ, ktxa the nrhAOitaBusssa. V1V njMW iTrtri T' Hsrsetaet, rismkera ARTHUR'S FATsTATaVT HI AND KELP SEAL rmb 1 Totaartoes sr whiter ass. Hiaart sTeVteasavely ssed la the North last sea an. rUlbe intradnced ts tha poboc of this Stats sad ortSornoom by the Babacribera, wa. kaws the meisvw ri.

bt wraouracture ua tbia vidaity. Itla lyasy to call exazoine these esaat, sad the reeoBMSaaooeiBl peraoo wb bav aaed taeas. be cawviocetbs tkjey are the bast ssd aaoat ecasarnirai caa sew sss aar pro tzvrtop OTeaveTadSAs trnrn lift oaT as largest ktsd caa he pas to thsaa. Jl1ZrZt ttZSZ mJU saaoulifal semaa, wttha the augnt nk af faslm "ptrTJsicb 'JLt ZmXZZZ tb raacA oi vecf fcy i 1 1" xisaa. a tSfSBT 1 mw TnTZ.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.