Livingston County Daily Press and Argus from Howell, Michigan (2024)

Ht. PACE TWENTY-TWO TSB UYISGSTOy COrSTY PRESS, HOTTEtl. MICHIGAN Si I -I- -I i in: T1 s1ge1 Fatal For Sale 7 iMaU M-i-r 1 )-rm Kmi l-nr Mlc Z. firm UMBs TOT if II "iea Automotive For Sale MODERN HOUfrE. living room, fireolace.

den. dininr room, kitch 1B39 CHEVROLET Dump Truck, 'f Hydraulic 5 yd. bos. rood mechatti- JCA 1 PX.r.D ms Jrom wgi- tered seed 40 lb test, I1.S0; also gome from certified. Also baled hay.

Eobert E. Smith, 1010 Cemeterr rd, Fowlerville. Pn. 22F1L 3 40pl eal condition, practically new tires. 205 Gay St, HowelL Mich.

Phone 4 1 39-40t 4, Livingston County Press Classified Advertising AH advertisem*nts in this department three cents pes word. Minimum ettsrec 60 cents for first insertion. Successive tnser tions ot identical cop two-thirds ci original rate if ordered st time of first insertion, otherwise the full rate will fee enarged If box number is desired add 25 cents per week to the rst charged. If ad is charged 10c will be added to the above prices. Kates are based strictly on uniform want ad style of eosv ftosrtion.

Orders bv mail should be prepaid. Objectionable or onestionable copy will be refused. All errors in telephoned advertisem*nts at sender's risk. DEADLINE for classified advertising sa. TUESDAY.

Vant ad received after that hour will be listed far the first week wider Too Lei to Classify. Phone 235 betw een 8 a. m. and p. m.

to insert ads. Deadline 01 copr tinder "Too to dassifr" beading 9 a. sa. Vednesdsy. "B'E HAVE a rw motor lor yocr Chevrolet in stock now.

Se us todav. Quality Cher. Sales, phone 810 Howell 1 30tf TEACTOES. cars and 1ruc. steam cleaned.

Bachmar. Texaco Sen-ice, SS4 E. Gd- Eiver. phone P134. 1 3Dtf 1940 FOED 2 door.

IMC rjymoutn 4 door. Both these curs ar- ir. top arte condition. C- I 4055 National. 1 P7tf 1HSH NASH Lafavette coupe in 1 pood condition.

Mrs. Fk's 215 S. Elm St, He-well Call,- or week ends orJy 3 sedan-! 1943 PLYMOUTH 4 I Eadio and heater. Very pond con- dittos. North Ave.

MisceUaoy For Sale BELGIAN seed cat. Wire baled alfalfa, also wire baled oat and wheat straw. Flese Bros. Dairy. Grand Eiver, phone, Brighton 5776 or 4301, or Howell evenings.

2 30tf BECLYE grass seed. Jay Marr. phones 221W3 or 223W2. 236-40p JCHX DEEEE Model tractor on good rubber with nearly new motor $400. or trade for tattle.

Bun-ill Driver. 32PS Elliott 30 miles west of Howell on ar.d Mason Ed. 2 38-40p Mcco*kMICK Deering corn binder. Power driven, with or without com bundle loader, and wa-gojs hitch: lfo McConnick Deering green crop hay loader; also McCcrmiik Deering ensilage rut-tvr. in A-3 condition.

Sie-i-rt Farm. 4442 Byron Road. 2-3MP MrtVrmick Deeriwr 1(j2P Good rutminr condition. i Claud c*nther, Hartland. 2 39-4p alihur.

Slle each. quire Hatchery. phue 305-" Howelu 2 oc lH4v over Fl'ED Ferpuson tractor, drive, plow and cultivator. Pricd for quick sac Matt Dil- Mich. 2 39-4(tp HAY.

$35 ton. Can de- r. Fred Patten, Ifif4 Greer, 2 39-40p 1 road. P. E.

3, Fenton. COEX. Mrs. E. J.

Hoisel. 2270 phone 1232W2. 2 40c KASCO pouhr' feeds, 3.Wi per 300 H. Hatchery, phot 3iiW. Squire 40c Phone To.

J--F BEAUTIFUL pray 1947 Fontiat Household For Sale DAVESTOBT and chair, in pood condition. Phone 431. 3W-40p 9 -PIECE walnut dininj: room suite, pood condition. Also old Bachmann piano. Floyd Fockler.

41f3 Marr Ed- phone 22U1. 3 39-40p ONE LIVING BOOM urte. like new. Phone 219 S. National St.

3 3S-40p S1 PIECE solid walnut dining room suite. Excellent condition. William flavin, 2121 Highland Ed. phone -C04. 8 3if for aale.

If you can pay cash and assume small monthly payment you can eave 1 almost $200.00 ob this brand new- spinet piano. H'rite bos Livingston County Press, and 2 will notify you where piano can be seen. 3 39-4 0c WING CHA3E club chair, dark pray mohair and in excellent condition, complete with Flip covers. Very reasonable. Call ve-rings only or week ends.

115 S. Elm Howell. 3 38tfp GAS EANGE. side oven. $0.

Mrs. Bruce Martin, 437 S. Fowler, phone StTT. 3 3Stf AUTOMATIC electric deck battery brooder. Call Dora Me-riij 214 E.

Sibley, Howell 3 40c IMS 10 CX FT. G.E. never been used. Exceptional buy. Howell 85C-J3- 3 40p i 4 dr.

seusn, completer q----PIo MAMMOTH cler eed: baled t-for only $1395.00. Call I E. H. EhKles, 77 Ernest 1 340cW- GrE.ld 3 AM SCEAPING '3 Plymouth, all -3 parte available. BLOX ALT itj the white, iodized 139 Faekney fcO.

i T)OOE XASH whh over- radio and heater. low ir.k- -s ape. Car seen any me un-dar. Jack Hayt- phone IdCTl. -40-4lt ,47 FOED TEt'CK.

2 speed axle. tires. exc-Hets condition. $3000. Phone 12i.CE or cai'.

at 410 "Wash. 1 -1S41 FOED corvertibx-. Tip-top 'shape. Phone HoweS IDeE. 1 1937 CEEV runs drives-good, looks rood.

Ph-tse 274ML 1 4'-p 1S41 DOi'GE Luxury 4 clean cpholsv-ry, n- new new battery. 3S-4P ready V-'go- One trnwr. f'uv. fiianceo if desired. Phone -vii 317.

-Gale Hoisir.ptor.. 1 41-4U i SINGLE maple bed, springs and laying-1 mattress, complete, $25. Mrs. Walter Blaess. 433 So.

Hw-2 UlL Ph. 573. 3 40tfc I'AIEY FEED neriBENDlX automatic wanner, used, 20- Enerry Broiler- guaranteed, mier. 4.30 cwt. Howelt Co-op j.

Wylie Saiee. 40c i'li N. Walnut. vhon? 1S4 F0K1 'jnal owner. Eo: 1 x.

Tudor. Euttman. Fow- nri2k. Ph. 1F23.

liable Hum j- "oniae McCtwnon ide al- Good wh incol( tOHS. Writ KivAa '111 MECHANIC. rm man. ivingKt.Mi Coum, p. MAN to work in JL be fast ad Livingsta a iin ieiiai' call on farnv-rs ii' K.

A leal your own boss, d.c-. neriuawKi or capital required. Connon jf nmnna, Mmnewiti, a MAN foe East Ingham Cou.v. ed. Write MCD-CX2-OA Henry Hilmei dtK.

eiL Mich. WANTED AT OX'Fi: man to seri ie mous Watkins HowelL brings $4i) Weekly m. inir immedisiiotv Write J. E. Winona, Minn.

Miscellany Wanted 15 USED SUMP small pump that cou.i o. pump water out of Phone 120BV between 4 and o'tir" USED eemem priced. Dan Van ney, Mich. Phone 47-F5. STANDING TIMBER.

pay top price? for Lumber Co, HoweL. Mhi-phone 931. EGGS. CHICKENS. paid for al poultry anc T- Jer isrogan.

PhOLt BRING YOUR crean, Wats OXearj- Dairy, rsuirpt courteous service. 5 yean in HowelL 22-jj CONVALESCENT aged people to care East Grand Live-. USED SINGLE macune also White rotaries. Ca-h. IV- Howell 1014W1.

TO BUY al! grades her straw at market prices. Martin, phone 1H'7. 7 v'-j LOAN WANTED. ceive per cent savings? I wiii pay vmu iron y-r t'v to Show securei in Cn'Jli- 1 cent for a loan of $150, plus bonus. Money wc Write Box Living-- ty Press.

Real Estate Wanted 16 WANTED LISTINGS ca lake and city property. 1 have buyer waiting. Fred J. Teepie, Mich. WANTED modem home or well improved farm cash buyer.

Herb Sneed, 207 E. Grand River. TO BUY OB EEXT, small farm near Howell. Write rs Livingston County Press, 16 JMC mu LOHXS I ft- Tanas nttatf Tm Xmu Herb Sneed 2P7 E. Gr.

River TlMrrdtiallraOo. AoMrka 40tf WANTED LISTINGS Farms, Qty and Lake Property "Rely on Realtor" NOEL P. BURNHAM 112 So. Walnut SL Howell Mich. Phone 3 S7tf en, 3 bedrooms, tile bath, gas heat.

garage attacned, close to business section- Call Earl A. Sharpe. Phone 1C4. 7 0t AT BRIGHTON, entire business corner located at 424 Grand River, West, property of the late Frank Hacker, consisting of service station, brick residence, two vacant lots. Sell all or part- Can be converted to other business.

Mrs. Frank Hacker, 424 Grand River, Brighton. 7 40p TOURIST HOME, modern American farm coloniaL size 46x26; Grand Eiver business frontage, 115x166 ft, in beautiful land scaped surroundings, with all con veniences, including gas automatic heat- Permanent income from 6 bedrooms, with established cli-entile. Lecorn 06 W. Grand Eiv er, phone 30.

7 40-41c 8 EOOMS and bath, hot air furn ace. 3 car gar, good location. i down. Herb Sneed, 207 E. Grand Eiver.

7 4(Hf 7 MILES from HowelL 130 acre farm with large modern house. barn and other buildings. $10,000. On one of Fentnn's finest lakes, 5 rooms, modern, full basem*nt. in it.

iase jront, good oaihtng beach. Immediate possession. Shipley Real Estate, 216 North Michigan. HowelL 7 1 ACEE, rooms and bath, pressure water system, chicken coop, 1 car gar, Deerfield twp, $300. down.

Herb Sneed, 207 E. Gr. Eiver. 7 40tf MODERN 9-room house with fur niture. Complete bath and additional shower.

In use as tourist home, good for convalescent home. Cash or terms. Mrs. Eobert Graham, phone 4733, Brighton. 7 40-42c INCOME marble firenlane.

jtral hall, 5 large rooms, bath, pan try, down. 4 rooms, bath, giassed and screened porch upstairs. Cor ner lot 150x150'. Trees. Harden.

fruit bushes, strawberries, etc. New stoker furnace, new roof, well insulated. $2880 takes over 4Tr mortgage. Call S46M. 7 39-41p HOUSE and barn in Fowlerville with 5 acres af land, rood for dening or subdividing.

Inquire of wmia vitt, HowelL MjcIl, 2071 Tooley Ed. Phone 169WL 7 39-40p Automotive Wanted 8 t-ED CARS, will buy any make or modeL Can use any number of good clean late models. If you don't get our bid. you have not been offered top price for your car. Simons Auto Sales.

917 E. Grand Eiver, HowelL The best place to sell or buy a good used 43tf Employment Wanted 9 LAWKS emu van: iur. John Shannon, 28 Fleming street. nunc jfiyo- 9 40p MAREIED MAX wants farm job by month. Phon Uracil At Laveme Gurnee, HowelL R.

5. 9 40-41c Farm Items Wanted 10 BUTCHER cattle and hogs. "Why pay commission and yardage. Sell direct, Detroit market prices paid. Phone 1020.

Bain Packing Refrigeration. 38tf Female Help Wanted 11 WAITRESS, must be neat appearing, capable and industrious. Excellent wages. Meals and uniforms furnished. Write Box Liv.

Co. Press. 11 37tf CALLING ALL housewives. If you can smile and have what it takes, we can show you now to earn more than your husband makes. No house to house.

No 8 hours a day. The use of car and phone. Write me todav. Janet Eobinson, 1010 ParalleL Fenton, Mich. Key Household Paper Prod-uctK- 11 40p Male Help Wanted 14 FAEMEB, married, between 25 to v.u, raeiences.

Apply 4141 Golf Course Road, Howell, Michigan. E. E. Rutter. 14 39tf GEIDDLE MAN.

must be capable and ambitious. Very good wages. Write bog Livingston Countv PresK. 14 36tf PAET TIMF. federal pay in Michigan National Mu.

nours weekly, $1.25 to hoor. Hig'her rates available at onr fn. i wcu men if oualified. Apply Howell Armory. to 12, 1 to Mon- naj mrougn rridays.

14 37-4 0c NICE TKAXLEE for sale- Cheap with cam-as. Van Avery. 234 West Grand Eiver HowelL Phone M0. 40p SELL TEADE, i h.p. motor, good shape, 850.00.

A. K. Nicholson, Menrie Imp. 5 40-4le BOAT. 12 ft- Wolverine runabout.

whh champion motor. Both 1947 Delux models. Priced for immediate sale. E. J.

Mclntyre, HowelL phone 263- 5 4 Op 10 SECTIONS of picket fence, 16 ft long. 5 foot high. Phone 164. 5 40-43 COLLIE PUPPIES, reasonable. Albert Bead.

1064 Eushton Ed, So. Lyon, Mich. Ph. 4125. 5 40-41p BOYS SUIT, gray-blue, size 12-14.

Mis. B. L. Hight, 24 W. Grand Eiver.

Ph. C7. 5 40c Poultry For Sale STABTED CHICKS. Early chicks mature more quickly make more money. We have a fine assortment of started chicks on hand now.

Come and see them at Gies Pourtrv Farm, HowelL 6 36tf EGGS, FBYEES, and stewers at all times. Tyler Srogan. Phane 572 HowelL Stf 10 YEARLING Barred Rck laying, 30 two years old, Leghorn laying. Clayton Moore. Coon Lake Ed, HowelL phone 1224J3.

6 40c SQUIB E'S blood-tested baby chicks. Large type English White Leghorns, Barred Eocks, "White Eocks and E. Reds. Order yours today. Hatch each Monday and Thursday.

Squire Hatchery. Phone 305-W HowelL 40c SPECIAL one electric chick brood er and 100 chicks plus one bag of Kasco chick starter, all for $12-75. Squire Hatchery, phone 305-W Howell. 6 40c TURKEY EGGS and baby turks in small lots. All broad breasted bronze.

18395 Wasson Ed, East of Piainfield. Phone Webster 42560 Detroit. 40tfc Real Estate For Sale GRAND River business frontage in Brighton. For sale or will Dnild to suit, EL Pierre, Brighton, phone 6672. 7 15tf FARM, on Gulley road, mile N.

of Golf Club Eoad. 120 acres with 8 room house in good condition, hot air furnace. Basem*nt barn, milk house, chicken house. A steal. 2.

E. McGuire, Howell phone 1351J3. 7 38tf I HAVE LISTED in Howell, four single homes and 2 two family homes. Prices from $4750.00 to $15,000.00 also have three places to rent. Fred J.

Teeple, phone 75, Howell, Mich. 7 3gtf 50 ACEES good farm including stock and tools, modem buildings on paved road. Michael Kolodczak, 4760 Owosso Ji mile N. of Grand Eiver, Fowlerville, phone 226F2L Real estate brokers invited. 7 38-40c FIXE.

WATER FEOXT lots on Lake Chemung. 3. E. McGuire, HoweU, phone 1351J3. 7 38tf DAIEY FAEM, 108 acres.

mile Huron River, 21 acres timber. 7 room, bath, excellent barn, silo, other buildings. $14,500. Terms. 7110 Winans Lake Ed, Brighton, phone 6573.

7 39-40p MODERN HOUSE in Cohoctah, 2 lots. 7 rooms and bath. H. A. furnace, 2 car garage, close to school and stores.

$6000, with i down to settle estate. Earl A. Sharpe. Pho. 164.

1 40c 40 ACRES Good level land, comfortable 6 room home with bath, chicken shed, garage, barn. 5 mi. from Howell near Grand River. 6,950. 10 ACEES New concrete block home of 3 rooms and basem*nt, 2 sheds, rich land.

$3,500. COTTAGE ON CHEMUNG A-l cottage in select location with all the bi-grade furnishings, boat and dock. 2 bedrooms, bath, LE, kit, dinette, garage, 2 excellent water front lots. $6,850. 136 ACRES Only 4 ml from HowelL 7 room modernized home, basem*nt barn, tool ahed, marl bed, timber.

Priced under $90 per acre? 1000 DOWN and move right in! AH new Tear-around borne of 4 rooms and bath, water system, lake frontage. Under (50001 BUILDING LOTS ia City and country. $150 and np. H. F.

SCHOTT 1M State St, Bowel 1228 Res. 1344 ELTMOVTH. 1542 2 o- special deluxe radio, heater, excellent con-iditioc After 5:00 p.m. call 1037E. 316 VTetmore, 1 40p 1935 DODGE, k-od trill ell or trade.

Donald Lieberman. Oak Grove, phot.e f.lOWl. 3 4c 88 OLL'S. god S27S. Art Kramm.

322 N. Chestnut. IHoweu. 3 5oj 1Mb PONTIAC Streamiiner. lone green.

cosr.p.-ti-!y miiet. Ha: id Wei- Sjerviiie. mi 1946 DODGE seaan Deius. heater, 'ali Barbara Eilen. Ph.

565. 3 40-ilp BUCKS A Dr. Puper. demon st new car guarantee, big sav-'ing and 2 dr. Boadmastez.

dk. Dynaflow. Livingston Sales, your Buick i'ai Livestock For Sale FEESH Jersey cow, bangs and TB tested, guaranteed right. J. H.

Skinner, Jaynehill Farms, S. Adelaide Eoad, Fenton. Mich. 4 40c Miscellany For Sale L3F TIME aluminum eave-tronghing. We instalL Call us for an estimate.

Piainfield Farm Bureau Supplv, Gregory, Mich. Phone Stockbridge PF6. 22tf WOOD ASH. We have plenty of hardwood wood ash at the mill for your garden or farm. Come and get it free- Thureson Lumber Company.

4tf AM NOW SELLING Eealsilk products. Hose (men's and women's), dresses, blouses, sweaters, ties. Iris Chads, 331 S. Fowler, phone 5C2. lBtf MANUEE and black dirt for lawns and gardens.

Leo HowelL i.hone 1340W1. 5 37-40c STAEK Brothers fruit trees at The Wayside Gardens. Violet E. Dunning. HowelL 5 37tf GLADIOLUS bulbs.

Premium grade and labeled. 100 kinds. Large 10 for 45c to 10 for medium 10 for 45c to 10 for $1: large size Eainbow collection, 10 for 50c or 100 for $4.00. Phone or call for prices on your needs. Mrs.

Wm. E. Barrett. 726 E- Sibley St, Howell, phone 321E. 5 3S-41c WE HAVE a new motor for your Chevrolet in Ftocl: now.

See tis today. Quality Chev. Sales. Phone 310 HowelL 5 30tf ONE new moon, 1C ft. house trailer.

Fully equipped- Mrs. Ernest Eiedel. 900 Hacker Eoad. Brighton. Ph.

5871. 5 39-40p GOOD land contract. paid and large payments. Write Box ci Livingston Co. Press.

5 40p EEBU1LT MOTOES, radiators, and transmissions installed or sold outright. Sawallich Garage, HowelL phone 960. 5 39-40p TYPEWEITEES, new and factory rebuilt Fully guaranteed. All makes $45 and up. Terms.

Eich-ards Electric, HowelL 45tf ALL MAGAZINE subscriptions, new and renewaL Violet E. Dunning. HowelL 5 33tf SADDLE TAXES and fifth wheel. St. Pierre, Brighton, phone 5672.

5 32tf AFEICAN violets in several colors, and dish gardens. Violet E. Dunning, the Wayside Gardens, Howell. 30tf FOE THE FINEST flowers and vegetables, get your Burpee's seeds today at The Wayside Gardens. Violet E.

Dunning, How-5 37tf PEA CTI CALL new Eoyal "Si-lenf typewriter. Very reasonable. Phone Pinckney 38F4. 5 40p Are You Prepared For An Emergency FIRE EXTINGUISHER SALES and SERVICE Home, Industrial and Farm Type Equipment FredJ.TeepIe Phone S75 Howell 38tf GLADIOLUS 50 BULBS $1X0 Tes 50 young strong Glad Bulbs measuring up to 1 inch diameter plus one large jumbo bulb; a $3.00 value for only $L0. All prize winning varieties in a beautiful array of colors.

Every bulb guaranteed to bloom. State inspected. G.O.-li. or post paid with remittance. GRIMES GLAD GARDENS L.

H- Grimes 5640 Maybee Ed. Oarkstoa CR-1) Mich 38-44 FLOWEES for funerals in sprays, baskets or wreaths. The Wayside Gardens, Violet E. Dunning. HowelL 5 Sltf HAY, straw ana wood.

Bruce Martin, phone KTT. 12tf ELGIN 3UL0VA watches, all makes silverware sets, Philco radios and refrigerators, all rings sold at ld5 discoun. including diamonds. Peter's Jewelry, Fowlerville. Ph.

277. Stf TYPE EJTEES, new end rebuilt Underwoods, late model rentals, Globe-Weniike office equipment and filing systems, Eturgis chairs. United Office Equipment 127 E. Allegan. Lansing.

42tf SLAEWOOD, $325 per cord delivered. $2 per cord picked -up at milL Immediate delivery. Thure-son Lumber Howell P3L 5 3Rtf ELECTE1C range, aluminum bathinette. Call 13W0M. 5 3S-40p WAE EECOEDS history now-available.

Eoy Washburn, b05 Dearborn phone 1407, or Ealph Benson, 210 N. Center or call at Livingston County PreES, 111 N. Michigan Ave, phone 952. $3.00 per copy. Supply limited.

Get yours now or reserve your copy by phone. 5 39tfc FEEE1 If excess acid causes you pains of stomach ulcers, indiges tion, heartburn, belching, bloating, nausea, gas pains, get free sample, Udga, at E- K. Johnson 4 Son. 5 39-44p LAEGE FIEEPEOOF SAFE. Inquire at Livingston County Press office.

5 40tfx TWO WHEELED utility trailer with boat carrier; haby play pen; Taylor-tot stroller. Seasonable. Kemps Store, Parshallville. Phone Brighton 3579. 5 40p AETICLES mothproofed with Berlou are guaranteed against moth damage for 5 years.

Dry cleaning cannot remove Berlou. Average cost to mothspray a suit or dress is 8c a year. Howell Cut Bate Drug Store. 5 40c EASTEE LILIES and other flowering bulbs. The Wayside Garden.

Violet E. Dunning. 5 40c WE EEPAIE, sharpen all makes 01 lawn mowers. Get them in before the rush season is on. Vincent Boat Works, phone 343W.

5 40c FEESH Easter candies, special packed for children. Mrs. E. E. Barron, 515 E.

Grand Eiver. Ph. 850W1 s-n. GIELS' spring coat and dresses, siae 4-6, excellent condition. Arthur Seiples, 7310 Mason Ed.

Ph. Fowlerville 50F11. 40c CIEL'S coral ocat and bonnet set Chas. Latson. 3684 Beet Rd H-- elL Ph.

314 W3. k4(lji HEMSTITCHING, post card duplication. Hectograph trays, round table, buffet and 6 chairs, high chair, hand cultivator, arc hen-equipment 2 bows, arrows), quiver, arm and finger guards. Mrs. Don Britten, 326 East Clinton.

Phone 140. 4op BLUE TAFFETA and ret formaL size 10, with net mitts to match. $10.00. Call 75PW11. Mrs.

J. L. Salisbury, 5321 Gd. Eiver. 5 40c GIRL'S aqua spring coat, size 12, worn very little, $8.

Phone 10C2W. Mrs. Earl Adams. 40c COLT WOODSMAN 222, nice condition with holster; Smith Wesson Military and Police .38, 2 inch barreL fired about 200 times. New condition, with new black holster; Colt 1917 Service Model .45 revolver.

Just reblued and smoothed Ha, excellent condition Ct, grips; Unfiled 1852 Model Spring field .9 caL Perfect condition; 1674 Springfield Very good condition: some -30-06 Government ammunition, bones of 20, new is-. This is for sale at cost. See Bob Cotter at Livingston County Press. 7-00 M-39 morniags; afteraoons. 40tfp STANDARD aiae bicycle.

Phone 14- i 40-41p Howell. 3 4oc 14 2 DOOE FOED, priced for -uick salt. Harmon Brown. 504 Maple. Howell.

Phone 1 J948 PLYMOUTH Specai In-iux tlub Coup, uark given, witn heater. Call after 5 p.n,. li (947 FOl'K-DOOi: loQe Or. Dona.d McGrego. Farm Items For Sale 2 fEW FREMAI.L K.

J'n A-3. 7. '2 40c M-tU potatoes now Irish (. otitilers. Cnippe- a Euset ebiiC'ies,, Burais.

and roice your oraer r.ow: iloveu Ct-op 234 N. Walnut, phone 7. '2 40c OAT? at 85c bu. Seed, aiS" pigs. Jotir Harmon, H.m-eJ-.

SWord Ed. 2 4im AGP.ICO. 2-12-fi fertiliz-r Have surr-ius of n. ton. Pell chean for cash.

Phone 1105-M. J. IE1SH "OBLEE mating and need Kr.ight. phoni i Farm Ed. 2 40tfc WAEEE.V elTtric chick brooder, ai-o poultry supplies.

Squire Hat'hei-y. phone 2 40c JOHN DEERE tractor 3S45 model John Deere tractor and cul-j tivator. new; also John Deere ti-actor with cultivators, plow, and I mower, Harold Mason, one mile North. mile East of Vantown. phone 7CJ331.

2 40c OEDEE your seed corn and corn I fertiliser now at the new Howell I Farmers E'ev. 2 blocks East Of I'M 1 JOf Sl'PEK MIX hog concen-trat' cwt. at the new Howell Fa' mert Ei-- 2 blrKiks East of PM In-not. 2 40c TKA''E MIX HEAL 1.05 cwt. at trie n.v Farmers EH loovi Eat of I'M Iepot.

2 40c NEW. elect, Mi 1: otice, automatic way looo chick or will trade for H. Kramm. 1'hone 2 SOe EATON SEED OATS, SI per bu- 1wl. J- K.

Tooley, 1M5 Tooley K'i. Pn. 2 40c H.J'. tractor, plow, har- and u-ed lightly, big d.scour.t. at.piv Sundays., Eu- le. Ed. 240-41 XATVEAL phospnatv fertilizer P203. 1'iice $2450 per ton ut car. AAA soil program payf per ton for application on any crop.

Klein Soil Service, Fowlerville. Phone 3C5F2. 2 40-42c SWEET CLO'EE sed. $15 a bn. J.

E. Steelier, S40 Chilson Ed. E.E. 3, Howell, phone 2867, 2 40-41c 3S.45 CASE tractor with starter, lights, and cultivator attachments. Will consider trade for a 48 mode automobile.

Telephone Br. 28C3. 2 40p 13-7 DISC power lift, fertiliser grain drilL Nearly new. Ba- Bonable. Elmer Lytle, S159 E.

Swan Ed, Btockbridge. Phone 7F14. 2 40p WHITE PEKING ducks. Herman Boscher, 270 Coon Lake Ed-Howe U. 2 40p Norta Carolina's novntaina arej believed to be the oldest the countj-j 1 I i I i a rtsnperator, usee.

cu. ft. all porcelain, excellent condition, J. E. Wylre Sales.

a 4(r AEL WHITE porcelain round oak taut range, j0('d vmA very little. 2 mi'tf Deerfield Catholic church corner Center and Green roads. Joe Kult.ok. 3 ifuain BEDEOOM SUITE, piece, goci ondition oaki. $75.00.

Tall 3ii4f-E. Pav or evening. 3 4(tfr upright piano. Yours Ifor the moving. Phone 1M.

3 40p PEEFECTIOX cook stove, o-bura- 'n'm ijal'-v ld and mattress; 2 dining tables, one with leaves; day bed: 2 beds, springs and mattresses: 4 chairs: 4 drawer kitchen cabinet. Spencer "Wrigglesworth, 4595 Fischer Howell. 3 lOp 3-BUENEE bottled gas range-wit storage cabinet. Phone 356W3- 8 40p WILL THE PAETY that made deposit on electric range at Chemung Lake last October please call for same on April 23rd. 3 4 Op Livestock For Sale DUEOC fall hoars, ready for service, reasonable; also bred gilts.

Bernard Schmuck, Fenton, phone 3152. 34tf HOLSTEIN BULLS, up to 7 months old. Good type and production. Priced right. Siebert Farms, 4442 Bvron HowelL 4 39-40p EEGISTEEED Holstein, will freshen March 31.

Vaccinated and tested. Allendale King Bessie Ormsby. J. W. Eeed, 10007 Flem ing Fowlerville.

4 38-40c EEGISTEEED Holrtem bull, 1 year old. backed by high record dams and proven sires. Priced to sell. L. D.

Coffey, phone 109F11. 4 39-40p i 14 MO. OLD BULL eligible to register. Austin Milett, 5350 E. Co lumbia Ed- Phone 58F4 Webber-ville.

4 39-40p HOLSTEIN bull, 9 months old. David Heart, Latson Ed- Phone Howell 923W2. 4 39p GOOD GUERNSEY heifer due to freshen soon. Good family cow. Clarence Eari, phone 198W1.

4 tOp SEVERAL Holstein and Guernsey springer and fresh cows. Leo Howell. 5205 Highland Rd. 4 38tf WILL PAY top prices for your livestock. Call Howell 1010.

4 40tfc 4 HEIFERS, 2 and 3 rears old, one fresh, good ones. 1 Bound oak tan enamel range. Eoyal Schrepfer, Howell, 4, TeL Fowlerville 354F5. 4 40p OR TRADE, bull caU, bom Feh. 24, 124 lbs.

Carnation Ormsby Fayne Reg, $150. Charles Potts, 7110 inn. .1.. T. ua, IDUOUe 3.e3.

4 4u-fclJ CATON OATS. Or. ytu; I lertified bus-he a- c. In G-av lid. 'I IVE CAX SUPPLY an garaer.

si-pp and fep us 214 N. eeos. Jroj, nc op Phone ut. 1EY or GKEEN bard a fee cord or fireplace iengti s. fian Eicnards, Lator.

Load. fhone telWl. 2 iEACTOES steam cleaned and iainted, $25. Bachman's Texaco Station, 634 E. Gd.

Eiver. phone j343. 2 33tf a-c 1. i.rci,or, cultivating tvpe ruDoer. moune z-14 tiottom low, in good condition.

Sherman tkhardk, 5S51 Latson. Ph. S21 Wl. 2 4fitfc RE More Load Trucks Safety School Buses Buinptnjr Painting Jlotor EehuTiding Cndereoating eo Motor, Inc. 2522 Wert Main Street General Garage Service jmtii 4, Michigan 27tf Hotel Livingston, EowelL MODERN EOOMS $7.00 week.


Livingston County Daily Press and Argus from Howell, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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